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14 mayo, 2014

Ukraine (US-NATO) (US-EU)

Welcome to Nulandistan: 
A Multimedia Look at What the US and EU Have Unleashed on Ukraine
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

The Yatsenyuk regime’s anti-terrorism operations in the southern and eastern oblasts (regions) of Ukraine are really a use of martial force against Ukrainian civilians opposed to the coup-installed regime in Kiev. Predominately peaceful Ukrainian citizens opposing the coup leaders and not “armed separatists” have been the main target of the regime’s militias.

The discourse about “pro-Russian” separatists is a misleading attempt to hide the real nature of the protests against the regime, which is opposition to a coup. The main issue is one of anti-coup protesters versus a junta and not separatists and federalists versus Kiev. To refer to the junta in Kiev as the government of Ukraine is to reject or ignore its illegality.

Welcome to Ukraine Nulandistan

Ukraine and America’s “Global War on Terrorism”. 
Is US-NATO Applying the “Syria Model” in Ukraine?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Neo-Nazi mobs in Odessa were involved, with the support of the Kiev regime, in a terrorist operation geared towards the killing of innocent civilians.

There was nothing spontaneous or accidental in this diabolical and criminal undertaking which consisted in the mass murder of federalist activists inside the House of Trade Unions. The building was set on fire quite deliberately as part of a carefully planned paramilitary operation.

People were trapped inside the building, burnt to death:
Survivors of the fire say they had to barricade themselves inside the House of Trade Unions, to hide from an aggressive mob, which had torched their tent camp.

Radicals [Right Sector]then began throwing Molotov cocktails at the Trade Unions building, setting it on fire. Witnesses say that those who managed to escape the fire, were severely beaten outside by the besiegers of the burning building. (RT)

Who was behind the Odessa killings?

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