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08 octubre, 2015

385 #Students Refuse To Turn Over #Vaccination #Papers

image credit: pixabay

The University of Maine is threatening to force 385 kids who refused to turn over Vaccination records to leave school if they deem necessary. The school announced that their “convenience becomes inconvenience if an outbreak does happen.” This according to Cori Cormier, a University Health and Counseling Services staff member at the University of Southern Maine.
According to USM Free Press:

Currently, students do not need to provide any specific argument in order to waive out of sending records of
their immunizations, or lack of. The reasons students opt out include religious principles, philosophical oppositions, as well as simply being unable to acquire their records due to significant inconveniences, such as an inability to access their records or no longer possessing them. 

It is scary to consider how not only USM would react during an “outbreak,” but also how many other establishments would react. Remember, it only took just over 100 people to come down with measles to declare an outbreak. None of them were harmed. And that passed an extreme mandatory vaccination legislation, called SB277, in California. The statement above regarding “convenience becoming inconvenient” is discomforting to say the least.The total percent of opt outs at USM was 5%.

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