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08 octubre, 2015

Oregon Shooter Was Raised To Be A Trump Supporter?

By Mike King

NY Times: Oregon Killer’s Mother Wrote of Troubled Son and Gun Rights
In online postings, Laurel Margaret Harper said she kept numerous firearms in her home and discussed the difficulties of raising a troubled son.


There is a huge "devil in the details" that turns up in this human interest story - one that really warrants a closer examination. From the file marked: "This-Is-Just-Too-Damn-Weird", comes this bizarre revelation from Laurel Harper, the alleged mother of the alleged "college shooter" of Roseburg, Oregon:

"An online posting from six years ago included the unlikely revelation that she used to read to her son
a book by Donald J. Trump, the real estate mogul now running for president ---- 'Fact: Before my son was even born, I was reading out loud to him from Donald Trump’s ‘The Art of the Deal,’ she wrote."

So, the "killer", while still in fetal form, was already being weaned on an in utero diet of Donald Trumpisms? Seriously? How conveeeenient! Next thing you know the CIA-Slimes complex will be telling us that Christopher Harper-Mercer was also a fan of Vladimir Putin! 

Mom to pre-born killer: "I can always tell a loser when I see someone with a car for sale that is filthy dirty. It's so easy to make it look better." -- Page 84:

Say what you will about Donald Trump - and indeed, we here at The Anti-New York Times have already said a lot, much of it negative, about the big-mouth blusterer with an ego the size of his Trump Tower. However, we must concede that Trump is the only remaining viable candidate who is not, in essence, calling for World War III with Russia. To the contrary, Trump has said, on numerous occasions, "I will get along with Putin." 

In spite of his Democrat past and troubling love affair with all things Israeli; Trump's admiration for Putin, recently-stated tolerance for Assad of Syria, pro-growth tax plan, and his strong stand against illegal immigration, are more than enough to bring down the wrath of the CIA-Sulzberger Complex down upon his huge head. Therefore, this dubious pre-natal link to the equally dubious mass shooter of Umpqua Community College ought to set off alarm bells and raise red flags in the minds of any thinking person.

We may, repeat, MAY, have to just hold our noses (very tightly!) and vote for 
'The Donald' after all.

Another oddity that has come to light is the fact that the Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon, who has jurisdiction over this matter, had previously generated "controversy" by taking a strong stand against gun control. In the wake of the Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax, Sheriff John Hanlin, who once attended Umpqua Community College, wrote a defiant letter to Vice President Joe Biden in which he stated: "Gun control is NOT the answer to preventing heinous crimes like school shootings." 

Hanlin also posted the letter on the his Facebook page. 

Concluding excerpt: 

"The United States Supreme Court has ruled that when a Sherriff chooses to enforce an unconstitutional directive, he is violating his Constitutional oath. I will NOT violate my Constitutional oath. --- nor will I permit the enforcement of any unconstitutional regulations or orders by federal officers within the borders of Douglass County, Oregon.

In conclusion, it is my position as Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon that I will refuse to participate in, nor tolerate enforcement actions against citizens that are deemed unconstitutional." (full letter - here)

In 2013, the ballsy Hanlin minced no words in his powerful and public letter to Joe Biden. He is still not backing down.

But Sherriff Hanlin didn't stop there. He then went on to share a video - 'The Sandy Hook Shooting: Fully Exposed' - which has been viewed more than 11 million times. (here). Next to the shared link he wrote: "This makes me wonder who we can trust anymore. Watch, listen, and keep an open mind." A Google Search of 'Hanlin Sandy Hook' shows just how intense, and how ugly, the recent hate-attacks against this brave "truther" are becoming.

Imagine that -- out of the 3,008 Sheriffs in America, how conveeeenient that this most recent, and most suspicious shooting event should happen right in Hanlin's backyard, at a Community College which he once attended. And, again, how conveeeenient that the dirty deed was perpetrated, we are told, by a pre-natal devotee of Donald Trump. 

Something doesn't smell too rosey in Roseburg, Oregon, 

Slimes' whipping boys, who actually resemble each other, "coincidentally" figure into the scripted drama in Oregon.


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in The New York Times that the mother of the Oregon shooter used to read Donald Trump's book to him while she was pregnant.
Boobus Americanus 2: Wow! What an embarrassing coincidence for Trump.

"Coincidencse my asss! It'ss a frickin' consspiracsy!."
(Never underestimate the gut instincts of a beast, er pretty young girl.)

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