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30 octubre, 2015

The #Greenland #IceShelf Is Not #Melting

NY Times: Greenland Is Melting Away
This river is one of a network of thousands at the front line of climate change.

The deceptive shock-headline, along with the psychologically manipulative shock-photo of "melting Greenland", dominate the front page of Sulzberger's Slimes. The headline and photo are intended to implant the illusion of a massive, Global Warming TM caused meltdown of the icy northern landmass. Weak-minded
libtards will surely wet their pink panties over this shocking bit of "evidence". Between sips of their Starbucks lattes they will shriek: "Look! The ice is melting in Greenland!" 

Calm down girlie-boys and manly-girls. It's called a river -- you know, a flowing body of water usually fed by melting snow and ice. A photo of a flowing river in Greenland is no more indicative of Global Warming TM than an image of the Hudson River flowing beneath the George Washington Bridge. Yes, you heard right! Greenland has, and has always had, thousands of rivers -- and happy inhabitants too! Of course, most of the huge island is uninhabitable -- but it ain't all Antarctic-ish either. Nothing to be alarmed about here; but shame on Sulzberger's Slimes for frightening their child-like readers with such out-of-context imagery and hype.
Greenland is a semi-autonomous country (affiliated with Denmark) with 58,000 inhabitants, a Queen and a Prime Minister. We ought therefore not be shocked by images of fast-flowing rivers, seasonal melting and greenery.

As for the accompanying article, some of it is just a rehash of typical pseudo-scientific alarmist dog crap. For example, a Professor Laurence C. Smith, head of the geography department at UCLA, and the leader of the team that worked in Greenland this summer, makes the following shock claims:

“The rivers melt down faster than the surrounding ice, like a knife through butter.”

And ---

“The ice sheet is porous, like Swiss cheese. We didn’t know that until this year.”

"Great Scott! The ice is like Swiss Cheese! We shall need more money to study this dangerous phenomenon!"

*Note: According to the Danish Meteorological Institute, the ice shelf has slightly expanded over the past 5 years (see chart below). The article below, from 1940, tells of a warming spell in Greenland. (here)


But the main subject of the article is not so much about the "science" as it is about the funding cuts for Global Warming TM research that some Republicans are pushing for. Here are a few very telling excerpts from the article, accompanied by some analysis from The Anti-New York Times:

From the story: Each year, the federal government spends about $1 billion to support Arctic and Antarctic research by thousands of scientists like Dr. Smith and his team.

Analysis: One BILLION dollars?! That amount of taxpayer-cash can feed a lot of scientific sluts such as Dr. Smith for a long time! Several state governments, the E.U., the U.N. and various tax exempt Left Wing Foundations and NGO's also fund this gravy train.

From the story: Any cuts could directly affect the work of Dr. Smith and his team, who are supported by a three-year, $778,000 grant from NASA.

Analysis: In other words, if a no-talent punk like Dr. Smith wants to keep eating, he better find some "melting ice-shelves" and frozen "swiss cheese" to scare the commie kiddies with.

From the story: Every scientist, Dr. Smith said, is keenly aware that the research costs “a tremendous amount of taxpayer money.”

Analysis: This is known as a "yeah-but". Psychos will often utilize this tactic to patronizingly pacify you, before returning to their original position. The true sentiment expressed here is : "Yeah. Yeah. I know it costs taxpayers a lot of money. But we need it --- so screw you!"

Academic con-men like Dr. Smith and friends should immediately be cut off from the government teat. Better still, they ought to be thrown in Federal prison for fraud. No, scratch that. Prosecute and hang these lying bastards for TREASON! But ultimately, these university usurpers aren't the problem. They amount to little more than hired "expert witnesses" -- similar to the ones that a crooked ambulance-chasing lawyer would use to "prove" his case. Forget Smith, for now. It's the "big boys" that we should focus on -- the ones that even some of the most vocal "skeptics" of Global Warming TM never want to talk about - and we know who those "big boys" are, right?

On Planet Rothschild, all roads lead to the Globalist Crime Syndicate. Global Warming TM is about instituting "carbon taxes", controlling private enterprise, stifling the development of poor countries, and absorbing national sovereignty. Sulzberger's seditious scribblers know this, but the pathetic "intellectuals" who worship the unholy scripture of "the paper of record" do not.

Laurence Smith's apocalyptic 'The World in 2050' was puffed by the Piranha Press. But book-sale income and a fat university salary aren't enough for the profiteering pinko professor. He wants to keep his government grants too!

Boobus Americanus 1: I saw a most disturbing image of Greenland on the front of The New York Times today.
Boobus Americanus 2: Yes! I saw that too! The ice is melting so rapidly that it's flowing like a river! And now the damn Republicans want to cut off funding for Global Warming research!

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