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05 marzo, 2025

37 Experts Expose the COVID-19 Operation

A Review of: “Canary in a (Post) Covid World, Vol. 2”

By Elizabeth Woodworth
Global Research, February 20, 2025

The hell that was visited on the world by the Covid-19 operation has now been further revealed through the shocking testimonies of 37 experts who were systematically censored from 2020 to 2024.

Unfortunately, efforts have been underway to repeat such a public health operation using pathogens such as monkeypox and bird flu. 

It is therefore essential that millions of people understand how the Covid operation was carried out, and to be alert for a repetition.

The 37 chapters of this book will greatly assist them.  

Why Was Covid-19 an Operation?

Journalist Michael Nevradakis, PhD, reports that in Athens, Greece

On a Monday morning in early March 2020, a few days before the lockdowns were imposed, I had just walked to a local pharmacy, one that I had also been to two days prior. Upon arrival though, I noticed that a new door had been installed:  a glass door with a round slot that could open from the inside.  That door had not been there on Friday.  As it turned out, that door was installed to serve customers without them having to go inside, due to social distancing rules. Yet, that door was installed, apparently on a weekend (in a country where barely any such work takes place on weekends), before the lockdowns and social distancing policies were introduced. Many other pharmacies had done the same thing, begging the questions:  what did they know, when did they know it and who did they learn it from?

(The first two Mondays in March 2020 had been March 2nd and March 9th.  The pandemic was not declared by the WHO until March 11th.)

On that day – March 11, 2020 – there had been 4291 deaths worldwide, allegedly from a coronavirus, which causes the common cold. Greek citizens were soon allowed to travel only two kilometres from their homes – after they had sent a text message to the government with their name, address, and a number from 1-6 representing one of the six valid reasons for going out.

In France, citizens had to carry a complex form showing their name, address, and reason for going out.

In Oxford, England, people could not move beyond the limits of one of the six districts in which they lived. 

Early Restrictions Become Permanent

Oxford’s six districts have now morphed into permanent “15-minute cities”.

Based on the risk of transmission through bank notes, “touchless payment” using Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) had been recommended by the Centers for Disease Control in Washington DC.  However, cash has never recovered.

Solari Report President Catherine Austin Fitts traces CBDCs to a 2019 financial coup in which the G7 central bankers introduced the Going Direct Reset Plan. It had nothing to do with health:  its mission was to recalibrate the world’s financial system by giving central banks more control over national governments. (Ch. 28).

Indeed, the world witnessed the freezing of Canadian citizen bank accounts during the truckers’ Freedom Convoy in 2022, which organizer Tamara Lich (Ch. 25) explains was a reaction to restrictions that “were becoming more severe and felt more like a form of control than a public health strategy.” (The extraordinary tale of the Trudeau government’s illegal use of the Emergencies Act is told by Ray McGinnis in his book, Unjustified: The Freedom Convoy, The Emergencies Act, and the Inquiry that Got It Wrong.)

The central bankers’ Covid mission has gained traction. Vaccine passports required to move around during Covid have now morphed into digital health passports. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are calling for a legal digital identity for all newborns by 2030.  Family physician Dr. Kat Lindley (Ch. 31) exposes the new 2024 UN Emergency Platform designed to take control of “global crises” such as pandemics, financial disruptions, disrupted flows of goods, and environmental events, while minimally consulting with national governments.

Health Professionals Caught in the Crossfire

Dr. Charles Hoffe, a South-African-trained physician who has been treating small-town First Nations patients in British Columbia for 35 years, was placed on trial by the Canadian medical authorities for alerting the community to neurological harm from the Covid vaccines, and for promoting ivermectin to treat Covid. 

Hoffe’s medical report in Chapter 6 on the full-body impacts of the mRNA shot, followed by his flight from prosecution, make compelling reading. Inexplicably, in February 2025 – after this volume was published – the authorities suddenly dropped their case against him “because of material changes in the circumstances.” 

Doctor Byram Bridle, PhD (Ch. 4), a professor of viral immunology at the university of Guelph in Ontario, was often consulted by the media as an expert vaccinologist, and was one of the first to raise concerns about the potential harm of modified RNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles. Within 24 hours of his radio interview, “a highly organized global campaign was launched to destroy his career.”

This prompted Dr. Bridle to investigate and report the corruption he uncovered in public health messaging to Canadians. 

Similarly, chronic diseases specialist Ivor Cummins was targeted for his positions against official Covid policy by a smear campaign in Ireland.

Dr. Julie Ponesse (Ch. 1), professor of ethics at Western University in Canada, was terminated in 2021 when she challenged the university’s Covid-19 mandate. Her chapter, “Our Last Innocent Moment,” explores how the world is no longer as it seemed before 2020.

Whistleblowers Ignored by Governments and the Media

Of particular interest, Dr. Angus Dalgleish, MD, immunologist, and virologist, and one of the best-known oncologists in Britain, was ignored when he pointed out to the British SAGE response team that the SARS-2 virus was an engineered gain-of-function (GOF) laboratory leak, and that the genetically altered spike protein would be highly dangerous if used as a vaccine.

During the early pandemic his traditional public health recommendations were simply ignored by the government, causing half a trillion British pounds of financial waste.

Dr. Dalgleish was particularly concerned about the boosters, which are not needed if a vaccine works. In his own clinic he saw melanoma patients who had been stable for years, but who relapsed after being talked into booster vaccines by their GPs. These melanomas were a global phenomenon seen in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and America. The immune systems were being over-stimulated by the shots, causing T-cell exhaustion, and leading to other tumours such as leukemia, lymphoma, kidney cancer, colorectal, pancreatic, and others, suddenly appearing after the boosters.

A tsunami of new unexpected turbo cancers has exploded, especially in young people. “The vaccine program was clearly the result of fraud, corruption, and incompetence, at best,” say Dalgleish. “The mRNA vaccine should be banned.” (Ch. 15).

Whistleblower Dr. Mike Yeadon – former VP and Chief Scientific Officer of Allergy and Respiratory Diseases at Pfizer – deduced early in 2020 that Covid-19 was “an artificial pandemic,” and that placing people in hospital on respirators with the toxic drug remdesivir, and shutting the elderly in nursing homes, was killing hundreds of thousands of people who could have been saved by early pre-pneumonia treatment with available drugs in the community. 

Statistically, the rise in all-cause mortality did not match the first year of the SARS-2 virus, but did match the years 2021-2024, during which the mRNA coded injection was imposed upon the world. 

This coded injection, brought to market within a year of the declared pandemic (Yeadon says normally six years are required to produce a vaccine), instructs the cells to make spike proteins that are foreign to the body, thereby forcing the immune system to fight these foreigners in all of the body’s organs – and in vulnerable people causing neurological problems, lethal inflammation of the heart, and clotting in the blood. (Ch. 20).

Internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough (Ch. 14), with over 1,000 publications to his name, supports this view, and was a champion for early community-based treatment right from the start. Otolaryngologist Dr. May Talley Bowden (Chapter 27) recounts her battle of taking legal action against the FDA, which had illegally foisted itself between doctors and patients over early treatment with ivermectin.

Physician and mathematician Sam Dubé (Ch. 16) reports the frequent observation of post-mortem conditions by British mortician John O’Looney — which included the shocking tragedy of the early (April 3, 2020) UK protocol for breathless hospital admissions, which was to either ventilate them in intensive care, or administer the end-of-life respiratory depressants, morphine and midazolam.  

Whistleblower and US internal medicine physician Dr. Meryl Nass (Ch. 23) has written detailed articles regarding the suppression of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin – both on the WHO list of essential medicines – in the early treatment of COVID-19.

Nass reports that a 2020 meta-analysis of 41 studies favourable to hydroxychloroquine, written by two US physicians, was “disappeared” from its preprint website: “Hydroxychloroquine is Effective and Safe for the Treatment of COVID-19, and May be Universally Effective When Used Early Before Hospitalization: A Systematic Review.” (The article was later published.)

This interference was Nass’s incident #49 on her list of 58 official incidents that managed the suppression of HCQ during the pandemic.

Andrew Brigden (Ch. 9), British four-term Member of Parliament (2010-2024), and having a science background, has blown the whistle at the national level. He publicized the cessation by the Office of National Health Statistics – because it was “commercially sensitive” – of weekly data on deaths per 100,000 in vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Brigden added that excess deaths skyrocketed after the arrival of mRNA to an astonishing 5% in 2023.

The case of Fisman’s Fraud – the title of an investigation by Dr. Regina Watteel (Ch. 13) – is a disgrace.  Watteel, an Ottawa-based PhD in statistics, found that after the worst of the pandemic the Canadian government funded David N. Fisman’s fraudulent statistical study to justify its brutal crackdowns on travel and other unprecedented coercive measures.

In view of the harsh restrictions on the global population, holistic coach Meredith Miller (Ch. 12) offers self-healing strategies to confront the “weaponized fear that is corrupting the human operating system”.

Corruption in Science and Medicine

Investigative journalist Paul D. Thakur was commended for a series in the British Medical Journal investigating the financial interests of medical experts advising the UK and US governments on Covid-19 policy.  Famously, he also investigated the clinical trials for Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.

Thakur’s Chapter 5 exposes the politics that pushed masks for viruses like Covid-19. He found that the New York Times had attacked the best-evidence Cochrane Collaboration, forcing the editor to reverse a staff review that masks don’t work, then reporting the reversal as fact.

Distinguished Canadian pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson writes in Chapter 18:

“It was a viral Pandemic of Fear, largely based upon the monumentally flawed PCR test…Everything we were forced to endure predictably failed…Yes, the virus is real but the reaction raped our very soul…None of the mandates had any evidence of effectiveness in the medical literature…Masks, social distancing, business closures, travel bans, contact tracing, asymptomatic testing, prohibited gatherings – it was all lies…The very degree of corruption has resulted in the worst outcome of all; the loss of trust in all our previously cherished institutions.”

Dr. David Bell, former WHO scientist, likens the new preoccupation with pandemic preparedness, spawned largely by the World Economic Forum’s global pandemic-vaccine industry, to a pharma-centered parasite feeding on the world public.  (Ch. 21).

Australian professor of infectious diseases Dr. Ian Brighthope (Ch. 30) highly trusts “the innate strength of the human immune system,” which depends mostly on the individual’s nutritional status and genetic makeup. The immune system can be strengthened more by the nutraceuticals, Vitamin C and D and zinc, than by drugs and vaccines. “There is absolutely every reason for the global health authorities to execute a CD-Zinc supplementation world-wide program.”

Tragic Results of the mRNA Shots

In 2023, constitutional lawyer Shawn Buckley led the 8-city, 24-day 4-commissioner National Citizens’ Inquiry across Canada, interviewing hundreds of experts, including contributors to this book. (Ch. 32).

The Inquiry’s Final Report is 643 pages long. There was no media coverage of the only formal investigation into the Covid-19 response in Canada. Its heart-rending video testimonies of Canada’s vaccine-injured are available on its website.

Obstetrician Dr. James A. Thorp censures the Covid-19 vaccine targeting of pregnancy, pre-borns and newborns, which has violated the age-old “Golden Rule of Pregnancy,” causing a catastrophic level of miscarriages and stillbirths. (Ch. 17).

In the US, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Joel Wallskog (Ch. 2) was so disabled a week after his only Moderna shot on December 30, 2020 that he was forced into retirement. He then founded React19, which now represents 36,000 vaccine-injured people in America and beyond, including athletes.

Mental Health Professionals Speak Out

Jeffrey Tucker (Ch. 22), founder of the Brownstone Institute, likens the psychological division of society over Covid restrictions to a predictable class struggle between people who are ideologically clean and self-righteous about germ control, versus those who trust their immune systems and are consequently viewed as dirty. The vaccinated, working safely on laptops at home were viewed as clean, while unvaccinated blue-collar workers in the streets were not.

In the face of propaganda narratives such as Covid-19, Belgian professor of psychology Dr. Mattias Desmet shows how people fall prey to shared mass emotions – a dangerous, almost hypnotic state in which totalitarianism becomes possible. (Ch. 7).

Australian professor of psychiatry Dr. Peter Parry explains how big drug companies are able to manipulate data in randomized clinical trials (RCT’s) so profoundly that the editors of the top medical journals, NEJMThe Lancet, and BMJ have gone public about the commercial bias problem, which peaked during Covid. (Ch. 29). 

Architect Robin Monotti (Ch. 36) concurs in his chapter, “How Science Stripped Morality from Truth,” which explores the human gullibility factor as well.

Psychology blogger Margaret Anna Alice asks 32 questions that were censored during the Covid operation, whose answers we still do not have. (Ch. 24).

Satirist C.J. Hopkins (Chapter 35) studies the massive roll-out of mind control rackets that have led to the New Normal. The gaslighting is increasing, he says, urging us to protect ourselves:

 “Get clear on what’s essential to you. Get clear on what you’re willing to lose. Stay deviant. Stay frosty. This isn’t over.”

Behavioral psychologist Dr. Jason Christoff demonstrates, using classic conformity manipulation tests, how powerfully governments applied the Covid psychological operation against their own citizens. (Ch. 37).

Most people did as they were told, writes Seamus Bruner, by succumbing to the Gates line, “we are all in this together” –  thereby surrendering control and adding their own complicity to the dystopian operation. (Ch. 10).

The Weaponization of Mass Communications

Dr. Scott W. Atlas (Chapter 3) is a senior fellow in health policy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. His remarkable chapter tells of his consultation with the White House, and of the triumph of the lockdowners over traditional public health policy.  (He never recommended lockdowns to President Trump.) America’s media is only now acknowledging the facts that refute the devastating lockdowns, school closures, and the chilling, unprecedented loss of constitutional freedoms in America.

In his August 23, 2024 speech suspending his presidential campaign, RFK Jr. explained that

“When a US president colludes with, or outright coerces media companies to censor political speech, it’s an attack on our most sacred right, that of free expression, and that’s the very right on which all of our other constitutional rights rest.” (Ch. 8).

Independent journalist Joshua Walkos ends the book, stating that “the weaponization of mass communications created a perfect storm that fueled the COVID era but has been ever present in our lives for decades.”  

Why, he asks, and what are we planning to do about it?


I wish to acknowledge the extraordinary love, commitment, generosity, and public service of the man who, as a boy, lost both his father and his uncle to political assassinations:  the new US Health and Human Services Secretary, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who once again champions the healing of a divided nation, through the fight for free speech, health, and peace.


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Elizabeth Woodworth is highly engaged in climate change science and activism. She has published 42 articles on Global Research, is co-author of “Unprecedented Climate Mobilization”, “Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival,” and co-producer of the COP21 video “A Climate Revolution For All.” She is author of the popular handbook on nuclear weapons activism, “What Can I Do?” and the novel, “The November Deep”. For 25 years, she served as head medical librarian for the BC Government. She holds a BA from Queen’s and a Library Sciences Degree from UBC.

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[1] British oncologist Dr. Angus Dalgleish stated this in an interview, credit to RealWorldNewsChannel.T.ME, and tweeted by Dr. David Cartland, BMedSci, February 14, 2025.  https://x.com/cartlanddavid/status/1890349929186361374?s=12

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