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22 diciembre, 2015

CIA-ISIS- #Turkey #Drugs Smuggling / #CIA - #ISIS - #Turquía #TráficoDeDrogas

The CIA ISIS-Turkey Drugs Smuggling Partnership 

Turkish labs turn Afghan opium into heroin for shipping to Europe – Russian anti-drug agency

© Caren Firouz / Reuters

Afghan opium is being processed into high-grade heroin in clandestine Turkish drug labs for distribution in Europe and Russia, Russia’s anti-drug chief has revealed. The trafficking route was exposed after a joint Russian-Afghan anti-drug operation.

Turkey’s Erdogan: Drug Kingpin
Stephen Lendman

In a just world, Erdogan would top Interpol’s most wanted list, along with US-led NATO leaders, Israel’s Netanyahu, and Middle East Arab despots - partners in high crimes too major to ignore.
Along with arming and providing safe havens for ISIS terrorists, supplying them with toxic chemical agents, and selling their oil on the black market, Erdogan is a major drug trafficker. Nothing significant happens in Turkey without his knowledge, approval and involvement.

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