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15 diciembre, 2015

#Smuggling #SarinGas, #MarketInstability, #SanBernardino and Assaults on #CivilRights

By Global Research News

Turkey-Syria-Conflict (1)

By Stephen Lendman, December 14 2015

Turkey is allegedly complicit in the smuggled use of various types of banned chemical weapons for which the Assad government was wrongfully blamed. Turkish Republican People’s Party (CHP) opposition member Eren Erdem accused Ankara of covering up a major war crime.

Seasonally Strong Period For the Stock Market Begins
By Bill Holter, December 14 2015
This week shapes up as one which could go down in the history books! Markets last week were tumultuous from weak equities, illiquid credit markets, FOREX markets in disarray and commodities hitting the skids.

By Shawn Helton, December 14 2015

The latest media driven shooting attack said to have taken place in San Bernardino, California over a week ago now – and still there’s a growing list of details that don’t add up.

australian flag
By Binoy Kampmark, December 14 2015

“Where people are a danger to society after they have served their time for conviction, as we do with sex and as we do with violent offenders… then they should be put into preventive detention.” -Dan Tehan, Intelligence and Security Committee, Australian Parliament, Dec 12, 2015

By Dady Chery, December 14 2015
According to the International News Safety Institute (INSI), over 100 journalists were killed in 2015, many of them by assassins. However shocking this number might be, it merely gives a glimpse into the savagery that has been unleashed against members of the press throughout the world.

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