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24 diciembre, 2015

The #Myth of the #Japan's #WW2 #ComfortWomen

NY Times: Disputing Korean Narrative on ‘Comfort Women,’ a Professor Draws Fierce Backlash


By now, regular readers of TomatoBubble.com and The Anti-New York Times understand very well the long litany of lies and omissions of the "official" World War II narrative. Though most of the content we have to
date assembled on the subject deals with the European theater of the grand history-altering event; make no mistake -- the tsunami of lies fed to us about Imperial Japan is just as breath-taking in its moronic mendacity as the tall tales spun about the big bad "Nazis" (a term of Jewish propaganda).

There is the big lie of "the Rape of Nanking" -- a case in which a handful of unintended civilian casualties was spun by both Chinese Communists and Nationalists into a deliberate genocide of 300,000 civilians. (Read 'The Bad War')

There is the big lie of "unprovoked surprise attack" on the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor -- a justified first strike that peace-seeking Japan was methodically maneuvered into to by FDR and the gang of demonic advisers surrounding him. (Read 'The Bad War')

There is the big lie of "the-Atom-Bombs-saved-lives-by-ending-the-war" -- spun at a time when a collapsing Japan was actually trying to surrender! (Read 'The Bad War')


Now comes a claim from, of all people, a South Korean female researcher / author that the well-known story of the Korean "comfort women" - long said to have been forced into sex-slavery by the Japanese military - is not exactly accurate. And furthermore, according to this surprisingly fair story in the Slimes, the author, Ms. Park Yu-ha, is catching all manner of hell from her fellow Koreans. (Welcome to the academic outcast club, sweetie.)

From the article:
"In February, a South Korean court ordered Ms. Park’s book, “Comfort Women of the Empire,” redacted in 34 sections where it found her guilty of defaming former comfort women with false facts. Ms. Park is also on trial on the criminal charge of defaming the aging women, widely accepted here as an inviolable symbol of Korea’s suffering under colonial rule by Japan and its need for historical justice, and she is being sued for defamation by some of the women themselves.

The women have called for Ms. Park’s expulsion from Sejong University in Seoul, where she is a professor of Japanese literature. Other researchers say she is an apologist for Japan’s war crimes. On social media, she has been vilified as a “pro-Japanese traitor.”

Ah yes! Silence the heretic! Then hang her for "treason". Nothing strikes a raw nerve like a brazen bit of truth. The violent reaction against Ms. Park is alone evidence that she has stumbled onto some inconvenient truths.

According to the "traitor" Ms. Park, the conventional story of the "comfort women" is mostly war propaganda.

Ms. Park is quoted:
“They do not want you to see other aspects of the comfort women,” the soft-spoken Ms. Park said during a recent interview at a quiet street-corner cafe run by one of her supporters. “If you do, they think you are diluting the issue, giving Japan indulgence.” 

The main forbidden revelations of Ms. Park's book are:

It was private profiteering pimps (both Korean & Japanese), not the Japanese government or military, that organized the prostitution operation that "serviced" Japanese soldiers.

Many of the prostitutes were willing participants. 

There were also women who freely cavorted with and sometimes fell in love with Japanese soldiers.

Think about it -- Ms. Park's alternative history of the "comfort women" makes perfect sense. For if prostitution is indeed "the world's oldest profession" -- then pimping the whores out for profit has got to be the second oldest. Like flies drawn to Moochele Obongo's armpits, so too do pimps and prostitutes buzz towards a well-funded army of single men in their twenties. What is so bloody gosh-darn hard to believe about that?

1- "Me love you long time." --- Scene from the film 'Full Metal Jacket' depicts Vietnamese prostitutes soliciting U.S. servicemen -- a very common occurrence!
2- Real Vietnamese War prostitutes. The Vietnam War was great for business.

ADDENDUM: After first publishing this piece, 'T.O.', a TomatoBubble / Anti-NY Times reader and veteran who was once stationed in South Korea, sent in the following testomonial about his own observation of the "comfort women". 

T.O. says:

"Yes, there were many comfort women in Seoul (South Korea) while I was there in 1966-7. They weren't typically "pimped" by any organization; rather they most often were pimped by their families -- who took most of the money they made and vilified them to their siblings. Most of them turned tricks to support the rest of the family knowing that they were not allowed back into their homes. Unless they "hooked up" with a GI, many ended up committing suicide at some point since Korean men wouldn't have them for anything other than blowing a load."

Great testimony T.O. -- and thanks! 

Boobus Americanus 1: I read an article in the New York Times today about some crazy Korean author. She claims that the Japanese government did not force the comfort women of World War II into sex slavery.
Boobus Americanus 2: That's ridiculous! The tragic story of the comfort women is a well-known historical fact --- just like the Holocaust.


"And just like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy too --- you gullible #^%$#@ nitwits!"

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