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22 agosto, 2016

#ChrisWark: Why I Said “No” to #Chemo

By Chris Wark

Video Transcript: Why I Said “No” to Chemo 

Chris Wark: They just scared me so bad that I agreed to chemotherapy, even though I had originally decided not to. But over that weekend I kind of came to my senses again. And I thought about my life and I thought about this book, and I thought about Jack Lalanne, and I thought about the weird stuff the oncologist said to me. 

One other thing he said, I forgot. Sort of in the middle of his pitch, he said, “Look man. I’m not telling you this because I need your business.” And I just thought, “Why in the world would you say that? What does business have to do with it, right?” 

And then I was “Wait a minute, this is a business. This is his business. He needs patients to make money.” 

Ty Bollinger: And this is the same oncologist that told you [that] you were insane if you didn’t do chemo? 

Chris Wark: That’s right, same guy. And it was like a Freudian slip, you know what I mean? Either that or it was the “push away,” which is a sales technique. Where they kind of give someone like “I don’t really need your business” and then it kind of makes them want to do business with you, you know what I mean? 

But I thought about everything and I thought, “You know what? Nutrition makes more sense to me. I would rather overdose on nutrition and give my body everything that it can use to repair, regenerate, and detoxify and heal and trust God to lead me in the process than let someone who doesn’t even know me at all, probably has already forgotten my name, poison me and experiment on me with a 60% chance of living five years.” 

I found out later that he was lying. What he told me was that I had a 60% chance of living five years. But that’s the average for all cancer patients. So if you take every cancer patient, lump them into one
group, and average it out you get 60% of them make it to the five-year mark. 

It doesn’t mean they’re cancer free in five years, it just means they have a beating heart. Some of them are on life support, right? Some of them are knock, knock, knocking on Heaven’s door; they are dying. But they still are counted as a “success” towards five-year survival. 

Well, the odds for stage three colon cancer, stage three C were about 30% make it to five years. And only 16% make it 10 years. 

Ty Bollinger: Wow. 

Chris Wark: Here I am, 10 years without their therapies. 

Ty Bollinger: Okay, so 10 years out and cancer free without⎯so you decided not to do chemotherapy? 

Chris Wark: That’s right. 

Ty Bollinger: So before you got the port put in I assume? 

Chris Wark: I was a no show for the port. After that they sent me a certified letter, they were calling my house, they were after me to try to get me to do chemotherapy. 

And I was avoiding their calls and like “Leave me alone; I’ve made up my mind. This is what I’m doing.” 

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