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19 agosto, 2016

#OneWorldGovernance and the #CouncilOnForeignRelations

By Global Research News
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By Joachim Hagopian, August 18 2016
The fact is the Council on Foreign Relations has been controlling US foreign policy for almost a century, and chief among its most obvious agendas has been building and maintaining US Empire’s global unipolar hegemony and military strength at all cost. 
By Hugo Turner, August 18 2016
Sometimes events speed up and begin to spiral out of control. This is definitely one of those times. So much has happened since my last article on Syria that I’ll never be able to do it all justice. The Battle for Aleppo continues of course a brutal struggle for the future of Syria and the world. There was the failed coup in Turkey. There was good news from Libya where Saif Gaddafi was finally released raising hopes that Libya may someday regain it’s independence. In Crimea there was a failed terror plot that was narrowly foiled. 
By Stephen Lendman, August 18 2016
US trade deals are jobs-killing weapons of mass destruction. They destroy fundamental economic and social structures. They ignore eco-sanity. Preventing TPP’s enactment into US law is crucial for all working-age Americans and their families. Obama intends going on the offensive publicly to get Congress on board for its passage. Last October, he touted it in his weekly radio address – featuring a litany of Big Lies, one of many examples of how he consistently betrayed the public trust throughout his tenure. 
By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 18 2016
The term “iatrogenic” means doctor, drug or surgery-caused disease. It is a taboo subject in America today. Apparently Kristofferson had been mis-diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia about three years ago, which started more than one medical misadventure for he and his neurologists involving neurotoxic medication trials with drugs. 
By Nadia Prupis, August 18 2016
Hillary Clinton has named her transition team should she be elected in November, and the roster—as many feared—is a who’s-who of establishment figures, including former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who has a maligned track record on climate. The team will also include former national security adviser Tom Donilon, former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, president of the Center for American Progress (CAP) Neera Tanden, and director of Harvard University’s Institute of Politics Maggie Williams. Two of the campaign’s policy advisers, Ed Meier and Ann O’Leary, will also serve as co-executive directors.

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