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07 diciembre, 2016

#PussyRiot Warns #America About #Trump

NY Times: A Warning for Americans From a Member of Pussy Riot



Well, well, well. Look at what Slimes' scribbler Jim Rutenberg (cough cough) has dredged up from the septic tank.The dirty skanks of the Russian "band" Pussy Riot have resurfaced to graciously "warn America" about the danger of Trump.

The cultural vandals of "Pussy Riot" continue to be treated like martyrs by the Globalist media of America and Europe.

From Rottenberg's article:

".... I went to a little cafe here to meet with Nadya Tolokonnikova of the Russian punk band and activist art collective Pussy Riot. The group’s 2012 guerrilla performance at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, which viciously mocked Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church, resulted in a two-year prison sentence for Ms. Tolokonnikova and another of its members.
Pussy Riot became an international symbol of Mr. Putin’s crackdown on free speech; of how his regime uses falsehood and deflection to sow confusion and undermine critics.
Now that the political-media environment that we smugly thought to be “over there” seems to be arriving over here, Ms. Tolokonnikova has a message: “It’s important not to say to yourself, ‘Oh, it’s O.K.,’” she told me. “It’s important to remember that, for example, in Russia, for the first year of when Vladimir Putin came to power, everybody was thinking that it will be O.K.”

The Pussy Riot girls had friends in high places (with Killary, Image #2 / with Madonna, Image #3).

A major anti-Putin media offensive surrounded the 2012 case of the all-girl band named after the vulgar term for a certain part of the female anatomy, not our furry little feline friends. The girls, we were told, were arrested merely for entering a Moscow church and singing a “Punk Prayer” to protest Putin. After being handed a 2 year jail sentence, the “International Community” (bow your head in solemn reverence as you speak those words) exploded in self righteous indignation. Singing from the same hymn book, these 10,000 or so eggheads based in New York, DC, Hollywood, London, Paris, Brussels & Berlin all decreed that Putin was paranoid ‘tyrant’ who had orchestrated the harsh sentence against the harmless feminist “artists”. A rallying cry for this phony cause celeb soon emerged, “Free Pussy Riot!” The affair grew into a real public relations disaster for Russia.

But a few essential details were deliberately omitted, and continue to be omitted from the popular narrative.

Pussy Riot was not actually a “band”. The girls were just a group of NGO-financed agitators who would don bright colored ski masks while strumming on electric guitars which they knew not how to play. Their screaming “songs” consisted of loud obscenities calling for things like “gay rights”, the downfall of Putin, and for Russian housewives to stick their vacuum cleaner hoses up their vaginas.

Pussy Riot is an offshoot of an NGO funded Anarchist “ art collective” known as VOINA, whose members (including Nadezhda Tolokonnikova of Pussy Riot – whose own parents threw her out!) had previously engaged in such outrageous “artistic” stunts as having a group sex session in a public museum and painting an image of a huge penis on a draw bridge (which later “erected”). Another “art project” involved the filming of a female member shoving a chicken carcass into her vagina and walking out of the market as the refrigerated creature’s legs dangled out from her canal like a breech birth.

The sex-crazed little Marxists believe that public indecency and vandalism are a "civil right." 

The vandals of VOINA have also been known to spray urine filled water guns, and throw urine filled balloons, at police officers, disrupt court proceedings and smash up police cars. Upon deliberately provoking their own arrests, VOINA cult members will scream about “police brutality” and then post online photos & videos of their “human rights” being violated by “Putin’s thugs”. The Western Yellow Press will then dutifully show the out-of-context images to their horrified worshippers (readers/viewers). That’s how the NGO “protester” game is played!

Contrary to the scripted image of a repressive Russia, members of VOINA and Pussy Riot endured only brief arrests and fines, at worst. In spite of being warned to stay away from the cathedrals, the Pussy Riot “band” continued to push the Moscow police. On February 21, 2012, members of the gang invaded Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The advanced student of real history will recall the story of the Stalin-Kaganovich dynamite destruction of this historic Grand Cathedral in 1931. During the 1990’s, it was rebuilt to the close specifications of its original glory. This new Cathedral holds special religious, cultural and historic meaning for Russian faithful. It was attacked for this very reason.

Destroyed by the Bolsheviks --- rebuilt during the 1990's -- attacked by Pussy Riot in 2012.

As horrified worshippers and priests looked on, a flash mob of as many as a dozen VOINA radicals stormed the Christ Cathedral. Four of these deranged tools of the Globalist NGO’s (the Pussy Riot girls) then took to the alter itself. They mocked the stunned worshippers by kneeling and crossing themselves. As supporting members blasted their music from the side, the “singers” then belted out an obscene “protest prayer” aimed at Putin and Church Patriarch Kirill (the Russian Church’s version of the Pope). They screamed that Putin is "Shit! Shit! The Lord's shit". Patriarch Kirill was denounced as a "bitch" and Mother Mary was urged to "become a feminist." 

Now the patient Russians had tolerated enough! The lead “singers” were finally arrested and charged by the local authorities (not by Putin!), with "hooliganism motivated by religious hatred” The arrest and subsequent trial drew international attention and massive criticism. Not only did the feminist radicals not show an ounce of remorse, but they laughed and mocked the court itself throughout the entire trial. The deranged and defiant “activists” continued laughing as Judge Marina Syrova handed down her sentence! It was evident that the girls (and their handlers),actually wanted a prison sentence. It would be great anti-Putin propaganda for the Globalists; and certain fame and fortune for the celebrity “heroines” when they get out (in December 2013).

Indeed, only 3 months after Pussy Riot’s release, one of America’s most artificially puffed-up pseudo “journalists” - the oh-so-serious and ever so “thought provoking” Charlie Rose of PBS fame - debased himself by interviewing two of the deranged subversives at a public forum held in New York in April of 2014. On bended knee and with bated breath, the duplicitous charlatan lobbed one sugar-coated soft ball after another to the “courageous” degenerates who dared to defy the “tyrant” Putin. Not once did the pious fawning sophist think to ask the “ladies” about any of the key data points we have just reviewed.

And now you know "the rest of the story" of the NGO terrorists who have been protesting Putin, and are now "warning America" about Orange Man.

Millions have heard the official story of the poor persecuted little girls of Pussy Riot -- but very few know the whole story.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the activists from Pussy Riot are warning of the similarities between the Trump movement and the Putin phenomenon.

Boobus Americanus 2: Those are some very brave young women. We should heed their warnings.

Hey Boobuss,you credulouss clod! Read my book "The War Againsst Putin" and ssee how badly fooled you have been."

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