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18 diciembre, 2016

#RussiaDidIt: #Obama Vows Retaliation, #Intelligence #Veterans Dispute #Hacking Claims

By Global Research News

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By Stephen Lendman, December 16 2016
With five weeks left in office, Obama seems determined to leave in a greater blaze of infamy than already, the most lawless, reckless president in living memory. He’s a greater war criminal than all his predecessors, heading America’s police state apparatus hardened on his watch, a serial liar, trying to provoke Russia into a belligerent confrontation.

By Washington’s Blog, December 16 2016
James Carden – former Advisor to the US-Russia Presidential Commission at the US State Department – writes in an article titled Why Are the Media Taking the CIA’s Hacking Claims at Face Value? The working assumption here seems to be that the job of the president (and apparently of media outlets like CNN and The Washington Post) is to stand, salute, and never question Langley.

By Daniel Espinosa Winder, December 16 2016
The Russians are coming! Once again, the structural bias of the American news media in favor of the ‘official version’ turns them into a propaganda tool. Intelligence sources point out Russian interference in recent elections. However, WikiLeaks-related sources say the Democratic Party’s mail leak was the working of a whistleblower within that institution.The Media’s Hypocrisy of “Russia 

By Janine Jackson, December 16 2016
Apart from the slipperiness between the possible and the proven, the gap between the confidence of the headlines and the caution buried deep inside, it’s weird to see media skip over the story’s center: that the alleged meddling consisted of revealing true information about the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign.

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 16 2016
Linked to the causation argument is the notion that Russia’s Vladimir Putin envisaged the electoral outcome, backing a more sympathetic horse in a far from sympathetic race. The impact of these claims has been furthered by unquestioning media outlets now termed, euphemistically, the mainstream. These mainstreamers have been keeping a rather pedestrian line on matters, taking a few choice notes from various official sources to build an empire of speculation.

As the hysteria about Russia’s alleged interference in the U.S. election grows, a key mystery is why U.S. intelligence would rely on “circumstantial evidence” when it has the capability for hard evidence, say U.S. intelligence veterans.

By David Morgan, December 16 2016
Trump is likely to be proved right by seeking to break with the West’s current dominant foreign policy which strikes an obsessively antagonistic posture towards Russia. He should promptly reverse the economic sanctions that damage America’s prosperity as well as Russia’s. It is to be hoped that a new generation of political and business leaders will soon be emerging that will be open to engaging more closely with their Russian counterparts with a view to working together to achieve peace and prosperity.

By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, December 16 2016
Since his win, pundits, analysts, and experts continue to debate the victory – a surprise to most. While the reason/s for this victory depend on one’s perspective, most agree on one thing: Trump is unpredictable. But is he really? There is clear indication that US foreign policy will not change course under a Trump administration – it will simply change tactic.

By Moon of Alabama, December 16 2016
The plan is to use the CIA’s “Russia made Trump the winner” nonsense to swing the electoral college against him. Major neocon and warmonger parts of the Republicans could then move the presidency to Clinton or, if that fails, put Trump’s vice president-elect Mike Pence onto the throne. The regular bipartisan war business, which a Trump presidency threatens to interrupt, could continue. The above theses are thus far only a general outlay. No general plan has been published. The scheme though is pretty obvious by now. However, the following contains some speculation.

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