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27 enero, 2017

#BillGates “Special #DNA #Vaccine” Almost Ready to Launch…


Bill Gates plans to rule the world. Acting under the guise of “philanthropy,” Gates and wife Melinda have used their Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a conduit for vaccines and female sterilization.

Bill Gates, who recently said he’d be willing to work with Trump, also stated that a DNA vaccine is right around the corner.

According to Fox News,

Microsoft Co-founder Bill Gates, who is also the richest man in the world with a net worth of $75 billion per Forbes, is excited to work with another billionaire Donald Trump, and his new administration.

“I don’t have a crystal ball,” he told the FOX Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo. “But we have the opportunity to talk about U.S. leadership.”

Especially when it comes to the U.S. government’s support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization he said.

“How we continue that type of outreach and how it helps our security that we are helping those countries to be healthy and be stable,” he said. “There will be some great conversations and be some ideas about new investments that can be made.”

The Gates Foundation recently joined a new $460 million global coalition to prevent epidemics. He said the focus will be on rapidly developing vaccines.

“The good news is,” he said “science has these RNA, DNA-type vaccines that you might literally in a period of months be able to create something new instead of the many years that it takes now.”

One has to wonder if Gate’s decency regarding Trump is just a savvy play to make sure he is able to continue is progressive, globalist agendas. Unlike many other globalists, such as George Soros, Gates is likely playing the better, stronger hand. Trump has noted his disdain for mass vaccinations and Gates has not been conflictive over the matter. He has to reasonably assert that Robert F. Kennedy’s appointment to the Vaccine Safety Commission isn’t good for Gate’s agenda. However, his reluctance to spout off is a testament to his patience when it comes to owning the world.

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