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03 marzo, 2017

#Trump - #ClimateChange

Trump’s Middle East “Adventurism”, Agriculture: Organic Vs Industrial, Climate Change: Who is the Biggest Villain?
By Global Research News

Url of this article:http://www.globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-trumps-new-adventurism-in-the-middle-east-agriculture-organic-vs-industrial-chemical-dependent-climate-change-who-is-the-biggest-villain/5577476

Selected Articles:

Trump’s “New Adventurism” in the Middle East, Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program
By Dr. Amir A. Amirshekari, March 01 2017
President Trump has embarked upon a “new adventurism” in the Middle East region. Israel and several Arab countries, backed by the US, are trying to create a new intergovernmental military alliance, such as NATO, against Iran. The Economist weekly, in its issue dated 25 February, casually expresses its support of Trump’s illegal sanctions directed against the people of Iran, accusing Iran of recreating the Sassanian Empire by its intervention in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, and Lebanon.
Deep State War? Seven Russian Officials Murdered or Found Dead Since US Election Day
By Claire Bernish, March 01 2017
Russian diplomats seem to be an endangered species, as seven officials have been found dead under mysterious or unexplained circumstances just since Election Day, and — although any link remains as yet unprovable — the deaths certainly provoke a number of questions.
Corporate Power Reality Check: Organic Vs Industrial Chemical-Dependent Agriculture
By Colin Todhunter, March 01 2017
In 2007, as part of a requested submission to the International Assessment of Agricultural
Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), Professor Hill submitted a very useful and concise table comparing the philosophies and practices of organic-based agriculture (including agroecology) and chemical-intensive, industrialised agriculture. I’ve taken the time to present Prof. Hill’s work here because, although it is 10 years old, it is a valuable reminder of the differences between the two models and why the world must step off the chemical treadmill and move towards a more organic-based system of farming.

Issues at Stake in Syria’s “Peace Talks”
By Eric Zuesse, March 01 2017
These peace-talks are international because the principals in this war are international. And, because the principals are international, the principles that are being fought over are, too — they are so basic that the end-result from these talks will be not only some sort of new peace, but some sort of new Constitution for Syria: really a new nation of Syria.
Who is the Biggest Climate Change Villain?
By Jonathan Cook, March 01 2017
In 1991 the Shell oil company produced a half-hour film, Climate of Concern, for showing in schools and universities, that set out the dangers of climate change, apparently with unnerving accuracy. The Guardian calls the film “prescient”. The paper makes the point that Shell knew from scientists precisely what havoc our addiction to oil would wreak on the planet. Despite its own warnings, Shell carried on extracting oil regardless.
The Digital Storm: Blowing Away the Human Mind
By John Stanton, March 01 2017
The addiction to the digital storm is so overwhelming that the brain creates a punishing craving mechanism: connection insecurity. Its emotion is fear, the fear of not being connected, or being seen, or taking part in the social scene. It’s the fear of missing out on the daily on-line world and being MIA to comment on the latest incidental text, image or sound. To eliminate connection insecurity the brain creates an addiction that resembles the cocaine addict’s frenzied search for more having snorted up the buy and the stash.

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