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03 marzo, 2017

#Trump - #USCongress - #Syria

Analysis of Trump’s Address to US Congress, Syria: Imperialist Divide and Conquer Strategy
By Global Research News

Url of this article:http://www.globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-analysis-of-trumps-address-to-us-congress-syria-imperialist-divide-and-conquer-strategy/5577643

Selected Articles:

Trump’s Address to the US Congress: Making America Safe for Wall Street and War Profiteers
By Stephen Lendman, March 02 2017
His Tuesday address was long on making America safe for Wall Street, war profiteers and other corporate predators, short on what’s most needed to serve all Americans equitably and promote world peace.

Trump’s Joint Address: The Reality Show Comes to US Congress
By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 02 2017
Trump remains an erratic businessman in continuity, his nose sniffing for the deal. Having previously rubbished the F-35 fighter, he gave himself a generous slap on the back for “bringing down the price of fantastic – and it is a fantastic – new, F-35 jet fighter”. A promised increase in defence spending, and greater profits for the Pentagon, is hardly a promise for sound civilian infrastructure and fewer potholes.

It is already clearly apparent, as many predicted, that Donald Trump’s election as president of the United States would signal the start of what might be the final monumental assault on much of what is good in our world. Whatever our collective gains to date to create a world in which peace, social justice and environmental sustainability ultimately prevail for all of Earth’s inhabitants, we stand to lose it all in the catastrophic sequence of events that Trump is now initiating with those who share his delusional worldview.

Syria: The Criminal Empire’s Strategy Of Divide, Conquer, and Destroy
By Mark Taliano and Sarah Abed, March 02 2017
Syrian-American Sarah Abed, was born in Al Qamishly and has lived in both the USA and Syria throughout her life. She makes frequent trips back and forth. Sarah is in direct daily contact with family and friends that reside in different parts of Syria. Sarah conducted and translated an interview with a close family friend, “Samir”, who lives in Syria and is well informed about the conditions on the ground. Samir’s commentaries are consistent with President Assad’s assessment of the Imperialists’ strategy of “divide and conquer”.

The Deception Technology. Hollywood Oscar for Fake Movie
By Firas Samuri, March 02 2017
The White Helmets continues to play a leading role in the Western cyber warfare as a weapon, which is used against the legitimate government of Syria. Due to a great number of fake photos and videos in the social networks picturing rescuers who ‘risk’ their lives to save civilians caught in the country’s devastating war, the Western audience receives a distorted picture of the military situation in Syria. Western TV-Channels including Pan-Arabic Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya promote White Helmets as the only humanitarian organization which is allegedly engaged in rescuing Syrians. At the same time in their coverage they have never mentioned the actual efforts of the Syrian government and its allies for the sake of settlement of the crisis and supplying the affected population with humanitarian aid.

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