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12 abril, 2017

#2013 #Syria #GasAttack Proved as #FalseFlag

7-minute video: reminder that 2013 Syria ‘gas attack’ proved as false flag with corporate media ‘fake news,’ Obama ‘fake blame speech’ for ‘war to save children’ same as Trump’s to ‘bomb children to save children.’ Demanding .01% arrests yet, or need more lies, war, death?

by Carl Herman

Anaconda MaltLiquor’s sharp seven minutes‘ analysis and context of President Trump’s claims to use war on Syria to “protect children”:

History of US Presidents lying about “care for children”as they watch their slow gruesome deaths in the millions

President Obama feigned care for children to argue for war on Syria, despite Orwellian neglect of ~20,000 innocent children dying daily from preventable poverty promised by “former” colonial and “developed” nations’ “leaders” to end since 1969. The total deaths of children since those reneged promises never mentioned by complicit corporate media is somewhere over 600 million; more than twice the population of the United States.

Some history:

‘Former’ colonial nations NOT ‘heartbroken’ over Paris 136 innocent victims because they allow daily gruesome deaths of 20,000 children from preventable poverty they’ve promised to save since 1969

US terror-state invades Syria, uses chemical weapons, bombs hospitals, lies that Russia bombs hospitals

What if Americans Had Known in 2013 that U.S. rejected Syria Deal in 2012?

Obama ‘heartbroken’ over 276 girls? US heartlessly poverty-kills 20,000 children daily

Since 9/11, US .01% killed over 100 million children from poverty: they don’t care about ‘innocent lives’ in Syria

426 dead Syrian children? US .01% heartlessly poverty-kill 1 million children/month in gruesome slow agony

Perhaps similar arguments were made to “save Vietnamese children from communism” when the US .01% approved cancelation of elections to support a neocolonial dictator, invade to support dictatorial and

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