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12 abril, 2017

Emperor #Trump #Bombs #Children to ‘Save Children from Bombing’

3-minute Star Wars video requests UNICEF donations to save ~20,000 Earth children dying daily from preventable poverty WHILE corporate media ongoingly distracts from ‘former’ colonial nations’ reneged UN promises since 1969 to save ALL children as Emperor Trump bombs children to ‘save children from bombing’

by Carl Herman

We the People notice powerful organizations asking for our donations to “save the children;” in retail stores, charity organizations, and now from Star Wars:

The lie of omission is that so-called “developed” and “former” colonial nations have promised the end of all poverty since 1969, with their reneged promises since then causing slow, horrific deaths of over 600 million children; roughly twice to the total population of the US (perhaps closer to one billion; documentation of poverty facts here).

Consider for a moment what could possibly be more important to report upon, possible motivation to hide this ongoing reneged promise, and why US “leaders” give rhetoric to “care about children” while omitting the greatest need for care.

Corporate media know the facts, and choose to lie

We at RESULTS fully briefed all US major media of the facts of ending poverty:

The developed nations promised a mere 0.7% of their income to end all aspects of global poverty. The US typically underfunds this promise by ~400% (providing just 1/4th the promise).

The American public believe we give 25% of our budget to foreign aid, and are willing to give 10% (~$380 billion for 2015). The amount invested is actually ~$30 billion/year. The US spends over $600 billion/year on the military. The total amount to end poverty is ~$100 billion combined from all the developed nations a year for ten years. In contrast to the policy we receive, the .01% oligarchs “legally” hide $20 to $30 trillion in offshore tax havens in a rigged-casino economy designed for “peak inequality.” This .01% parasitic loot is twenty to thirty times the amount to end global poverty forever.

Ending poverty reduces population growth rates in every historical case...

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