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28 abril, 2017

#Israel #Supports the #IslamicState #ISIS

By Global Research News

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Selected Articles:

Turkey’s Kurdish Agenda
By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 27, 2017
Any doubts that Turkey’s involvement in the conflict against Islamic State is purely symbolic were dispelled by a latest round of air strikes against Kurdish positions in northeast Syria and Iraq’s Sinjar region, killing at least 20 fighters. (The number from Ankara is a more inflated 70). Iraqi government officials were flawed by the action, infuriated by its audacity; the US State Department was troubled and confused.
Alliance of Convenience: Israel Supports Syria’s ISIS Terror Group
By Stephen Lendman, April 27, 2017
NATO, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other regional rogue states supply them with weapons and other material support.
So does Israel. In June 2015, the Times of Israel quoted former Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon.
Video: Turkey Bombing US-Backed Forces in Syria, Israel Supports ISIS
By South Front, April 27, 2017
Former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon has accidentally acknowledged that Israel has an open communications channel with the ISIS terrorist group, or at least its part operating in the Syrian Golan Heights. Speaking about Israel’s neutrality in the Syrian war on Satuday, Ya’alon said that the terrorist group apologized for opening fire on Israeli Defense Forces soldiers in the occupied Golan Heights.
Turkish Airstrikes On Kurds Complicate U.S. Operations In Iraq And Syria
By Moon of Alabama, April 26, 2017
The YPK is now likely to divert forces from the U.S. led attack on the Islamic State in Raqqa to protect against further Turkish adventures. The PKK within Turkey may restart its guerrilla campaign against the Turkish military. The Barzani clan will come under renewed pressure by Kurdish people in Iraq as well as by the Iraqi government to loosen its ties with Turkey. All sides will blame the U.S. and its operations against Syria and the Islamic State.

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