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08 junio, 2017

#FDA #Bans #Injectable #VitaminC – #RETRACTED


In 2011, the FDA sent a letter to the makers of injectable vitamin C, ordering them to cease production.

Since that time, vitamin C solutions and vials to mix into intravenous infusions has become increasingly difficult to obtain. In most states, the IVs are only available through compounding pharmacies and the rules for ordering and administration nutrient IVs vary by state.

After further consideration and discussion with Dr. Tenpenny, we have decided to retract a portion of this article. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion.

Vitamin C Benefits
Vitamin C is truly one of the most powerful immune system boosters and healers we have available to us. You can get a load of vitamin C by consuming both oranges and horseradish. That’s right, horseradish is a phenomenal source of vitamin C. You can also easily buy vitamin C on Amazon.

Some major benefits:
  • Prevents scurvy (this is how vitamin C’s powerful ability was discovered while on ships in the 1800s).
  • It can treat and help prevent colds.
  • It can contribute to the proper vasodilation of veins, improving heart health.
  • Helps eliminate cataracts.
  • It is one of the most powerful treatments to support the immune system if you have cancer.
The list is amazing and is not nearly all-inclusive. Taking vitamin C – especially vitamin C ascorbates – should be an essential part of everyone’s lifestyle. It can vastly improve your health.

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