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11 junio, 2017

#Terrorism: A #Thriving #Industry for #US #NATO #Coalition

By Global Research News

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Who Was Behind the Tehran Terrorist Attacks?By Stephen Lendman, June 08, 2017ISIS claimed responsibility for the incidents – the group supported by Washington, NATO, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel and other regional rogue states.They all have motive to destabilize Iran. They benefit from weakening Tehran if achieved.

London Wolves: Third London Bridge Attacker Was on EU Watch List – Talked Terrorism with Security
By Shawn Helton, June 08, 2017
After two identities of the three involved in the London Bridge terror event were released earlier this week, British authorities announced the identity of the third attacker, an individual already well-known to security, 22 year-old Youssef Zaghba. In addition to being another ‘known wolf’ Zaghba, also openly acknowledged his ambition to commit an act of terror to airport security officials.

Iraqi Forces Carrying Out Tortures in Mosul Mostly Supervised by US – Security Official
By RT News, June 09, 2017
The American military has continued to work with the EDR despite the special forces unit being blacklisted in 2015 under the Leahy Act, which requires foreign military units to be banned from receiving US military aid if there is “credible information that such unit has committed a gross violation of human rights.”

US “Jihadi Express”: Indonesia – Afghanistan – Syria – Philippines
By Andre Vltchek, June 09, 2017
While the name ‘jihad’ itself has been used habitually and ‘liberally’ all over the Western mainstream media, it was clear to all of us at the table that behind the brutal combat as well as most of the horrors unleashed in such places like Syria and Philippines, hidden are the geopolitical interests of the West in general and of the United States in particular.

How Britain Helped Create ISIS
By Steven MacMillan, June 09, 2017
For years, the UK has been pouring millions into the Syrian opposition. In 2012, the British Foreign Secretary at the time, William Hague, admitted that Britain had been helping the Syrian rebels in a “practical and non-lethal way,” and vowed to increase British assistance. As the Independent noted, this non-lethal aid consisted of Britain sending the Syrian opposition £8m-worth of body armour, vehicles with ballistic protection, trucks, forklift trucks, communications equipment, laptops, water purification kits and other equipment needed to fight a war. In 2013, a report claimed that Britain was involved in an operation with other European states and the US to send the Syrian rebels 3,000 tons of weapons, sent in 75 planeloads, from Zagreb to the rebels.

Featured image: Omid Vahabzadeh/TIMA

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