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05 junio, 2018

#Symbolic #Pics of the #Month 05/18

By Vigilant Citizen

In this edition of SPOTM: Kate Middleton’s symbolic dress, Macron’s symbolic hand sign, Beyoncé’s symbolic performance and more proof that the entire “celebrity” system is owned by the occult elite.

Beyonce’s Coachella performance was a highly symbolic one. As usual, media praised her as some kind of living goddess while superficially brushing on the symbolic meaning of her performance. For over a decade, Beyonce has been used by the occult elite to push its agenda and this not stopping now. The elite is looking to create a phony, superficial, Hollywood-powered Black Power movement to create racial division and Beyonce is being used as some kind of charismatic leader. In this pic, she wears a headdress inspired by Nefertiti (an Ancient Egyptian queen). The girls behind her wear sunglasses and black berets – the trademark style of the Black Panthers in the 1970s. However, these 2018 Black Panthers are not revolutionary – they’re puppets dancing at a Hollywood music festival. The entire black revolutionary imagery has been co-opted by the occult elite. Some might say: “Bro, you’re wrong bro, Bey is fighting for the people”. Check out the next pic, bro.

Some of Beyonce’s outfits at Coachella (created by French luxury brand Balmain) featured this custom-made crest. The Nefertiti and Black Panther symbols refer to Beyonce’s “royal” status in the industry and how she is used in the current racial division agenda. However, above this crest, are symbols confirming who truly owns the “Queen B.” The symbol of the Eye of Horus inside a triangle is NOT Egyptian. It is a creation of Western Occultism.

The specific symbol of the Eye of Horus inside a triangle is associated with the prominent occultist Aleister Crowley, founder of the secret society O.T.O – which is still powerful in Hollywood. The covers of most of his books feature this symbol. They also often feature the symbol of the winged sun (see the book cover on the right) which represents “ascent to divinity”. For this reason, it is often found at the entrance of occult temples. In short, the crest refers to her being elevated to the level of “queen” or “deity” but who remains “under the wing” of the occult elite. 

The Episcopal cathedral in San Francisco organized a Beyonce mass which drew over 900 people. The mass featured ‘Womanist Biblical Interpretation’ and other stuff. The people who organized this probably did not read last month’s SPOTM which featured Beyoncé riding with Baphomet himself.

The pope probably did not read my articles about Kathy Perry where she promoted the occult elite’s symbolism, witchcraft, cannibalistic rituals and occult mind control. Well, maybe he knows about all of this already.

As usual, the one-eye sign popped up everywhere this month. This is Rihanna at Coachella.

Robbie Williams posted this on his Instagram account. He’s such an inspiring person.

A couple of years ago, he posted this pic. I guess the message of the pic above is that he got a new tattoo. There is also a more important message: He is still a tool of the elite.

This is the promo pic of the second season of the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. The eye hidden tells you that it is all about the elite’s agenda. Directed by industry pawn Selena Gomez, the show’s graphic depiction of suicide caused a sharp rise of internet searches about “how to commit suicide” and was deemed “problematic” by mental health experts. The second season will reportedly tackle the theme of “toxic masculinity”. In other words, it will continue to poison the minds of young people will debasing garbage.

Shawn Mendes new album cover features half of his face separated. Pure MK stuff.

Travis Scott and Kanye West (who are both under the spell of the Kardashians) released a single entitled Watch. On the artwork, an eyeball appears to fall out from a skull. Just another one-eye thing. Kanye’s verse includes this line: “One year it’s Illuminati, next year it’s the Sunken Place, They don’t want me to change, nah, n*gga run in place”. Yes Kanye, those who enter the Illuminati system often end up in the Sunken Place.

Meanwhile, Travis Scott’s boo Kylie Jenner lands her first magazine feature since the birth of her daughter Stormi. And, of course, she’s hiding one eye.

This is the cover of Halsey’s latest album. Yes, one of her eyes is hidden by a diamond. The videos associated with that album are highly symbolic. 

Another pic of Halsey where she’s hiding one eye.

Zayn Malik with one eye hidden by smoke. So clever. So groundbreaking.

Modcloth is a retailer of “indie-inspired” clothing. In 2017 it was bought by Walmart. Nothing says “indie” better than Walmart. This is the April 2018 catalog cover.

You might tell yourself: “Wow, that’s a lot of one-eye signs. I think I’ll go the mall to relax and take my mind off things”. Sorry, but the mall is not exempt. A reader sent in this pic from a shopping mall in front of a Children’s Place store.

Another reader spotted this at French shopping mall. It has to be everywhere.

Christina Aguilera is back with a new album! Are you excited?! Well, you shouldn’t because she’s doing the one-eye thing again. She has to.

Macron’s visit at the White House was weird. Media kept talking about a “bromance” as Trump and Macron kept holding hands and whatnot. The visit ended with a bizarre scene where Macron held the hands of Donald and Melania Trump while doing the “devil horns”hand sign. This slow-mo closeup video confirms that the sign was intentional … and somewhat forceful.

Let’s not forget the super-Illuminati setting of Macron’s speech after his election victory. Behind him was the Louvre’s pyramid with its illuminated capstone. The controversial addition to the Louvres is made of exactly 666 panels.

When Kate Middleton presented her new baby to the world, she was wearing a near-replica of the dress worn by Mia Farrow in the movie Rosemary’s Baby. Directed by child molester Roman Polanski, the movie is about a woman who gets drugged and controlled by a coven of witches, impregnated by Satan himself during a ritual and forced to give birth to the anti-Christ. (Read my article about Rosemary’s Baby to understand how the movie is deeply associated with the occult elite). Why is Kate wearing that dress while presenting her new baby? 

Special thanks to everyone who sent in pics.

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