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05 junio, 2018

The #Scam of #Income #Taxes and #Central #Banking

The Crystal Court in downtown Minneapolis -- Some wealthier Minnesotans will pay more in taxes next year because of the new federal law.
New York Times: Federal Tax Cuts Leave States in a Bind


Sulzbergers Slimes and the rest of the Piranha Press continue to whine over the fact that a few wealthy Americans may end up paying slightly higher income taxes due to lower writeoff limits under Trump's tax reforms (in effect for 2018). From whence this sudden love and pity for the oh-so-evil "rich" from the Marxist media? Hmmmm?

Lost amidst all the smoke and noise of this battle between the tiny tax-cutters of the Republican't Party and the perpetual tax raisers of the Demonrat Party is the historically concealed fact that the U.S. Constitution -- a document which all politicians solemnly pledge to uphold and defend -- does not even permit a tax on labor. As hard as it may be for contemporary Americans to even imagine, it was only a single long lifetime ago, 104 years to be precise, that no American, rich, poor, or in between, paid any income tax at any level of government, at all!

Yes, it's true, Boobuss. All American workers used to keep 100% of their paychecks! 

Imagine that! A fast-growing, industrialized, dynamic, innovative, economic powerhouse nation of 100,000,000 people -- with a massive and booming middle class and millions of European immigrants clamoring to get in, get to work, and climb up from the bottom of the ladder -- with the Edison-Tesla electrical revolution already operational, and the Ford automotive revolution just getting started; there was no limit to the potential of the vast United States of America of 1913. And just think, the great nation achieved it all without the "blessing" of an income tax or a debt-money central bank -- a pair of related evil institutions -- both established in 1913 -- which today's "smart people" assure us are indispensable for the proper functioning of a modern state.

How was it possible for America to have become so great without a central bank / income tax system, you ask? Why was the insidious form of central debt-money printing and its attendant labor taxation scheme ever instituted in the first place when the country was doing just fine without them -- notwithstanding the mischief caused by large independent banks? Well, to the architects of the New World Order, both the counterfeit money from the "Fed" and the stolen "revenue" from the people were absolutely "needed" to fund the coming, pre-planned "Great War" (World War I) and the eventual welfare-control system which they already had in mind.

Sugar, fire up the Time Machine and set the dial to 1907, please. Into the Marxist mist of history we go!

America of the 1910's was a booming, growing, thriving happy nation of 100.000.000 people with first-rate schools, universities, cars, roads, bridges, railways, hospitals --- all this, without an income tax or a central bank.

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