By Vigilant Citizen

“Sabrina the Teenage Witch” was a 90’s sitcom featuring a talking cat and dumb jokes emphasized by a laugh track. Fifteen years later, Netflix decided to reboot the show and, judging by the trailer, there will be no laugh track. Instead, the show will be a terrifying ordeal featuring blood, maggots, Baphomet and satanic rituals. Some of the comments on YouTube sum up the situation.

The Netflix website describes the series as follows:
As her 16th birthday nears, Sabrina must choose between the witch world of her family and the human world of her friends.
The show clearly targets young people as it stars a teenage girl and her high-school friends. While the
series hasn’t been released yet, the short trailer available on YouTube says it all. Packed with flashing satanic images, the trailer clearly spells out (pun intended) the true aim of this show: To expose young people to the occult elite’s satanic world.

The Netflix website describes the series as follows:
As her 16th birthday nears, Sabrina must choose between the witch world of her family and the human world of her friends.
The show clearly targets young people as it stars a teenage girl and her high-school friends. While the
Here are some screenshots from the trailer.
Occult rituals.
This is more than “entertainment”, this is proselytizing. The series showcases actual symbols used in actual satanism and witchcraft to teenagers in an appealing matter. The figure of Baphomet is not a random “monster”, it is an ancient archetypal figure associated with Satanism and black magic.
Whether or not Baphomet ends up being the “bad guy” in the series is not even important. It is all about exposure. As seen in countless articles on this site, the same exact symbolism appears in fashion, in movies and in the music videos of artists popular with young people.
The series will be released on October 26th and will feature lots of Halloween-related stuff. This is not only due to the fact that Halloween is a “scary” holiday. All Hallows’ Eve is actually one of the year’s most important sabbaths and is celebrated in occult circles with rituals and sacrifices. The holiday takes place during a time of the year thought to be the “closest” to the spirit world, making invocations easier. If you think this is all ridiculous, believe me, they do not.
Having young people absorb a satanic-themed TV series right before Halloween is yet another way the occult elite tricks the masses to unknowingly celebrate their satanic religion.
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