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20 septiembre, 2022

How to Open a Mind: How Can “We Wake People Up” to the Dangers of the COVID Jab


By Emanuel Pastreich, September 14, 2022

It is with a heavy heart that we commemorate the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. The attacks were most certainly terror, but the exact nature of that terror has been left intentionally ambiguous ever since.
By Karin Brothers, September 13, 2022

The day after the events of Sept. 11, 2001, the United States demanded that NATO members follow Article 5 and join it in retribution for the attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. While it came to be known that the US State Department had written a letter in August, 2001, claiming that the US military would be in Afghanistan by the following October, the questions of “why Afghanistan?” and “why October?” were not closely examined.
By Philip Giraldi, September 13, 2022

It is astonishing how many observers of war in Ukraine who should know better have been inclined to take at face value the assertions of “sources” that clearly originate among the various governments that are involved in the conflict.

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