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03 enero, 2023

Billions of Euros Paid by Us. They Feed War and Corruption in Ukraine


By Dr. Peter McCullough, December 20, 2022

Loss of hearing in the elderly is common affecting both the patient and the people around them trying to communicate. I have noticed many of my vaccinated elderly patients developing progressive hearing loss. Nieminen et al have conducted an extensive hearing assessment of patients in Finland after COVID-19 vaccination and compared them to the unvaccinated.
By Rav Arora, December 19, 2022

Over the past four months, the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have vigorously pushed the new bivalent vaccine on all eligible Americans. In his final White House briefing, Dr. Anthony Fauci stated, “Please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated COVID-19 shot as soon as you’re eligible to protect yourself, your family, and your community.”

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