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03 enero, 2023

#Dinosaur Exhibits are #Fake

A T. Rex model at the American Museum of Natural History's 
"T. Rex: The Ultimate Predator" exhibit in New York

JANUARY 2, 2023

NY Times: Tyrannosaurus Rex: The Once and Future King


Something to think about, and to go along with the mythical "6 million Jews" ™ of Holohoax fame; and the magical "6 feet of social distancing needed to avoid becoming a victim of the imaginary Stupid-19 scamdemic.

As for the motives behind Fake Paleontology, well, it appears to trace back to the usual suspects and for the usual reasons; namely, the acquisition of money and the promotion of the religion of Atheism -- a "twofer." Modern Dinosaurism -- a very lucrative industry dominated by "Jewish intellectuals" -- and its associated multi-billion year old Earthism are always closely linked to atheistic Evolution ™. You see, if at one time "dinosaurs ruled the Earth" ™ while the unrecognizable ancestors of us humans were still swimming in the ocean or crawling through slime pits; then mankind -- said to be the unintended product of blind random forces -- ain't so special after all. It is such a pathetic and hopeless world-view for humanity; but a demonic dogma that is very good for the godless modern day monsters who lord over us and seek to reshape us all in their own perverse image, instead of God's.


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about the T-Rex exhibit at the Museum of Natural History.

Boobus Americanus 2: Awesome! My kids love dinosaurs!
St. Sugar: Be ssure to tell your idiot massked-up kidss that it'ss all jusst plasster and fiction, Boobuss.

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