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03 enero, 2023

United States suffers SHOCKING 350k excess deaths in 2022, CDC data shows


cdc-data-shows-excess-death(NaturalHealth365)  The United States went through a tumultuous 2022.  As if the worsening economic situation was not enough, the nation’s excess death rate is set to reach record highs by the end of the year.

Data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals the country has suffered nearly 350,000 excess deaths by the last week of September.  If the trend continues, the nation has the potential to break the 450,000 excess deaths threshold by year’s end.

Catastrophic harm: Evidence points to COVID shots causing excess deaths, adverse health outcomes

To say the COVID jab is causing heart problems and tainting human genetics is an understatement.  Sort through the evidence, and you will find that the COVID shot have caused immense suffering and record numbers of excess deaths throughout the year we would all like to forget.

Even worse, the U.S. government is not transparent about the extent of harm caused by the shots and hides the data to keep its “safe and effective” narrative alive and well.

Hundreds of thousands more died in 2022, and the government is ignoring it

Despite the CDC’s effort to hide the data, thanks to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a group with 38 member nations, we now have a better understanding of how many more Americans died in 2022 compared to the years prior.  Founded more than 60 years ago, the OECD is a treasure trove of information about excess deaths, economics, and commerce across the globe.

OECD data suggests excess deaths in the United States soared through the initial weeks of 2022, only to slightly disperse two months in, flatline in the third and fourth months of the year, and ascend once again through the home stretch.  And remember, the data only captured weeks 1 through 38.

COVID shots significantly increase risk of death, official UK data suggests

Let’s pivot for a moment, shifting the focus to the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).  The ONS Deaths by Vax Status report analyzing deaths in England between the first of January and the final day of May reveal those who were partially vaxed were nearly 200% more likely to die than those who were not injected with the COVID shot.  In addition, those who received two vax doses were nearly 270% more likely to perish than those who did not receive the shot.

But the figures get even worse.  Those between 70 and 79 who were triple-vaxxed were more than 330% more likely to pass away than those in the age group who were not vaxxed.  The same trend holds true for children.  The primary takeaway from the data is that receiving one or several vax shots significantly increases the chances of premature death.

Putting two and two together, it is not hard to see why an increasing number of people blame the COVID shots for the rise in death rates.  At this point, the evidence is abundant, and even though mainstream media refuses to talk about it, those who seek the information shall find it.

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