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27 marzo, 2023

Meet the Man Who "Normalized" Homosexuality

Charles Silverstein (1935-2023)

FEBRUARY 13, 2023

NY Times: Charles Silverstein, 87, Dies; Helped Destigmatize Homosexuality

He was at the forefront in persuading the American Psychiatric Association to reassess its classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder.


Heads up, Satan. Incoming!

Imagine the jaw-dropping surprise here at "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times upon discovering, from this post-mortem puff-piece, that a key individual "at the forefront" of medically "normalizing" the abnormality of homosexuality was a Brooklyn-born sodomite named "Silverstein" (cough cough). No way!

From the article:

"In February 1973, when it was his turn to speak before an American Psychiatric Association panel on why it should stop classifying homosexuality as a mental disorder, Charles Silverstein chose an unexpected tool for his response: humor.

“What I did,” he recalled decades later ,“was write a parody, a satire, of all the absurd things that the American Psychiatric Association had diagnosed” — illnesses like “syphilophobia” (irrational fear of syphilis).

“I threw back at them their diagnoses over the decades and how funny it all sounds now, and pointed out that their fun had hurt a lot of people. I ended by saying to them, ‘Don’t do it anymore.’”

This poofter's manipulative rhetoric helped to persuade the association (itself already disproportionately loaded with queer chosenites) to usurp the Divine Will by changing the language in its Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders later that year. That revision was the pivotal moment that led to further future reality inversion (aka "progress") which ultimately culminated in the accepted butt-buggery / multi-gendered / multi-orientation madness of today -- a mass psychosis which includes, in essence, the informal reclassification of we who beg to differ as the new "crazies" instead!

Column 1: Jewish psycho gets homosexuality declared "normal."
Column 2: Jewish lawyer gets baby-killing declared a "human right."
Column 3: Jewish media matriarch gets President Nixon declared a "crook."

"Gay" is OK / Silverstein, Gold & Kamen

Roe vs Wade / Gloria Allred

Watergate "Scandal" / Katherine Meyer-Graham & Carl Bernstein

The 1973 declaration marked the beginning of an influential and lucrative career for Dr. Silverswine. He went on to write "best selling" books — lots of them. Among the titles were “The Joy of Gay Sex,” "Man to Man," and “A Parents’ Guide to Homosexuality.” He served as founding editor of The Journal of Homosexuality and also started the Institute for Human Identity to counsel various queers, cross-dressers and surely, some child rapists.

The rest of this character's resume reads like something straight out of the "Frankfurt School" / Magnus Hirschfeld playbook of Cultural Marxism -- the type of degenerative filth that "zee Brown Shirts" banned and burned in righteous wrath back during the good ol' days of 1933. Suffice it to say that to the sex-obsessed degenerate Left, Silverscum was a hero. But to those of us whose "outdated" beliefs about homosexuality were once considered "the norm," this anal analyst of progressive poofterism was a transformative villain who got his hooked-nose under the tent for the rest of Satan's lurid legions to follow inside over the tragic course of subsequent decades.

Good Yiddance to this creature!

"Dr." Silverstein (with buggering boy toy in center image) raked in lots of shekels with his homosexuality books.

Shekels and Sodomy

The slippery slope of sodomite sleaze started with Silverstein's sordid psychiatric speech of seventy-three.


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the man who got the American Psychiatric Association to change its classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder just passed away.

Boobus Americanus 2: It's hard to believe that being gay was once considered a mental disorder.
St Sugar: You don't ssee us animalss doing that, do ya Boobuss?

Editor: I've always said that animals are closer to God than adult humans.


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