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28 marzo, 2023

“We have a vaccine which is killing people”


By Edward Curtin, February 19, 2023

My title comes from a 19th century author whose name does not matter nor would it mean much if I mentioned him. It’s an old truth that has not changed a bit over the centuries. I think, however, it would be more linguistically accurate to say that most people want to be deceived, for the world, the earth doesn’t give a damn, as the French poet Jacques Prévert reminds us in “Song in the Blood”.
By Manlio Dinucci, February 19, 2023

On the stage of the Sanremo Festival, after reading Zelenski’s message the Kyiv band Antytila performed to “transmit a strong message on the Ukrainian resistance to the Italian public”. Shortly before in Brescia and Bergamo, the concerts of the Russian pianist Denis Matsuev scheduled for the International Piano Festival had been cancelled.
By Mike Whitney, February 19, 2023

The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline was a gangster act that reveals the cancer at the heart of the “rules-based order”. How can there be peace and security when the world’s most powerful nation can destroy the critical infrastructure of other countries without deliberation or judicial proceedings?
By Dan Fournier, February 18, 2023

In a previous article – which was republished in ActivistPost, and The Burning Platform – readers were introduced on how the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, better known as NATO, have created a fifth operational domain (the first four being air, land, sea, space) called cyber which they use with great success to propagandise and brainwash the masses around the globe, particularly on social media, as an instrument to gain support for their war follies.
By Paul Anthony Taylor, February 17, 2023

Rumors are growing that the corporate marriage between German drug firm Bayer and American agrochemicals goliath Monsanto may be heading for divorce. Under increasing shareholder pressure following a dramatic slump in Bayer’s stock price over the past 8 years, the German company’s notorious CEO Werner Baumann is set to be replaced with the former head of Swiss drugmaker Roche, Bill Anderson.

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