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14 abril, 2023

The Flying Phantoms of 9/11 Did the Impossible

By Mike King

Were it not for the unexpected 2016 rise of Donald Trump and the White Hats, the nearly two-decade long, post 9/11 horror show known as "The War on Terror" would still be raging now in the Middle East and Central Asia -- from Afghanistan to Pakistan to Iraq to Libya to Syria to Sudan to Somalia and beyond. Out of the ruinous reign of Bush 2 and Mr. & Mr. Obongo, the never-ending wars and "ISIS" proxy wars would surely have spread throughout Asia, North Africa and Eastern Europe by now, had the likes of Soros and Killary and McStain and Satanyahoo not been stopped. No 9/11 = no "War on Terror." This is why a proper understanding of who really orchestrated the attacks of 9/11, 2001 remains relevant to this day.

When unpacking the mountain of Deep State (CIA & Mossad) lies propping up the "official story," most "conspiracy theorists" correctly focus, for simplicity's sake, on the impossibility of the following absurdities:

* Skyscrapers disintegrating into instant powder and dust at free-fall speed
* A 3rd skyscraper (not struck by an "airplane"), collapsing at zero-resistance speed later that afternoon
* A commercial airliner supposedly penetrating the Pentagon without leaving a trace of debris

Of course, there are scores of other smaller -- though still gaping -- holes in the 9/11 story which have filled up entire books. But for reasons of sheer obviousness and for purposes of easy normie-friendly explanation, the above points would have to be considered in the top rank -- the top three -- on the BS scale with which any healthy-minded newbie to the subject can be persuaded to at least scratch his head and ask for more information.

1. The mighty towers EXPLODED into instant powder and aerosol. // 2. The forgotten 600-feet-tall WTC 7 was not hit by anything, yet collapsed at free-fall speed in a perfect controlled demolition. // 3. Where is the bloody commercial airliner at the Pentagon???

As for this 9/11 expert, there's a 4th "nail in the coffin" of the Deep State fable which should rank with the aforementioned three items when it comes to in-your-face obviousness -- specifically, the manifest impossibility of poor to mediocre SMALL PLANE flight STUDENTS performing such precise "top gun" maneuvers with MASSIVE commercial airliners. Though many a pilot has gone on record to confirm the impossibility of what these flying phantoms are said to have accomplished (here), it doesn't take an aviation expert to figure this one out.

Apart from the fact that there were no "suicide hijackers" -- and that FBI chief (and closet White Hat) Robert Mueller had even confirmed that stolen identities of Arabs were used for the attacks -- three of the characters said to be piloting planes received their training at a small plane school in Florida called Hoffman Aviation. A 4th was the only one to attend a commercial plane flight school with simulators -- the Pan Am International Flight Academy in Arizona -- but according to his instructors, his flying skills were extremely poor.

Here's the breakdown of where the flying circus clowns with stolen identities went to flight school and where they "crashed":

Pan Am Academy (Arizona)
* Hanni Hanjor // Pentagon plane // "very weak flying skills"

Huffman Aviation (Florida) (small planes)

* Mohammed Atta // WTC North Tower / perfect strike
* Marwan al-Shehhi // WTC South Tower / perfect strike
* Ziad Jarrah // Crashed into a Pennsylvania field after "heroic passengers" struggled with hijackers.

The only reason that these "Muslims" (Israelis posing as Muslims) enrolled in the flight schools was to establish a record of having done so in advance of the big event and the official fable that was to follow. These small plane novices absolutely DID NOT and absolutely COULD NOT execute such maneuvers with lumbering commercial airliners. Aside from that, no traces of planes were visible at the Pentagon or in Pennsylvania; and hollow aluminum tubes cannot cleanly penetrate through massive solid steel walls as if they were made of paper -- but I digress. Come on, normies. THINK!

A Huffman Aviation plane for teaching students

No way, no how ---- just no!

“The planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement—to hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes and within one hour, to drive them into their targets, with complicated flight maneuvers. This is unthinkable, without years of support from state intelligence services.”

- Andreas von Bulow
former head of the parliamentary commission overseeing Germany’s secret services.

"WOW! These A-rab kids sure were some quick learners. Sing it, Kenny. Sing it!

"Ride into the Danger Zone
Highway to the Danger Zone
Gonna take it right into the Danger Zone"

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