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29 mayo, 2023

On the 20th Anniversary of Invasion of Iraq

It Must be Clear: The U.S. Is the Greatest Threat to World Peace and Collective Humanity

By Andrew Korybko, March 16, 2023

If the PT’s base was aware of the military-strategic dynamics that forced Russia to commence its special operation as a last resort for defending the integrity of its national security red lines in Ukraine after NATO clandestinely crossed them there, then they’d be against Lula’s political support of Kiev.
By Scott Ritter, March 16, 2023

History has dealt a tough hand to the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden, who openly confessed his intent to “bring an end” to the Nord Stream pipeline system which delivered Russian natural gas to Europe through four pipelines (Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2, consisting of two pipelines each).

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