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27 septiembre, 2023

Nation-States as “Business Models”: Ukraine as Another Neoliberal Privatization Exercise


By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, August 31, 2023

Perhaps the leading two veteran critics of US policy in Ukraine, Colonel Douglas MacGregor USA and Major Scott Ritter USMC, have said loud and clear that at least from a military standpoint the Ukrainian armed forces have lost the war against Russia.
By Ahmed Adel, September 01, 2023

The European Union is expected to import a record volume of liquefied natural gas from Russia this year, despite the bloc’s intention to wean itself off Russian fossil fuels by 2027. This revelation by the Financial Times comes as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that he warned Ukraine that any attacks on Hungary’s energy supplies from Russia would lead to war.
By The Week, August 31, 2023

Following reports about Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin being killed in a plane crash, a Russian political analyst has alleged that the warlord is still “alive, well and free”, claiming that it was his doppelganger who was actually killed in the accident.
By Peter Oborne, August 31, 2023

In April, Israeli security forces brutally assaulted Palestinian worshippers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem. In the aftermath of the attack, James Cleverly, Britain’s foreign secretary, called on “all parties to respect the historic status quo arrangements at Jerusalem’s holy sites and cease all provocative action”.
By Prof. Maurice Okoli, August 31, 2023

From all indications, China has emerged as the greatest beneficiary at the 15th BRICS summit – a platform hosted by South Africa last August with participation of African leaders. The summit turned out be successful with most of the significant questions put under serious discussions and finally ended with a joint declaration which outlines the necessary strategic pathways into the future.
By James Bovard, August 31, 2023

Some viewers had the impression that DeSantis was a Seal, but he was actually a Harvard Law School graduate who was a Judge Advocate General Corps (JAG) alongside the Seals. DeSantis was deployed to Iraq in 2007 and 2008, during President George W. Bush’s “surge” (intended to postpone the obvious failure of the war until after Bush’s second term ended).
By Alan MacLeod, August 31, 2023

Amid a controversial visit from Vice President William Lai (the front-runner to be his country’s next leader), official documents reviewed by “MintPress News” show that the Taiwanese government is attempting to drum up anti-China hostility, influence and intimidate American politicians and is even working with the FBI and other agencies to spy on and prosecute Chinese American citizens.
By Sara Flounders and Joe Lombardo, August 31, 2023

Recently articles have appeared on the front page of the New York Times that try to smear Code Pink, The People’s Forum and TriContinental as Chinese agents. The Times article was followed by a statement from Senator Marco Rubio calling for investigation of the people mentioned in the article. 
By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, August 31, 2023

Being a psychiatrist certainly makes me no specialist in areas of immunology, cardiology, surgery or infectious disease. But having earned a doctorate in medicine I was provided an education in reasoning within this extraordinarily complex discipline from first principles. Therefore as an inquisitive physician throughout the covid operation, I could not help but be baffled by the response of institutional authorities.
By Andrew Korybko, August 31, 2023

South Asian media recently reported that India has pushed back against US meddling in Bangladesh through diplomatic channels after Washington imposed a new visa policy ahead of next January’s elections that many regard as aimed at pressuring the ruling Awami League (AL) party.

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