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13 junio, 2024

Russia’s “Fourteen Points” for a European Security Policy: Why Was Moscow’s 2009 Proposal Rejected?


Russia’s “Fourteen Points” for a European Security Policy: Why Was Moscow’s 2009 Proposal Rejected?

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

In 2009, Russian President Medvedev (President from May 7th, 2008 to May 7th, 2012) called for a new European security policy known as “Fourteen Points” as a new security treaty to be accepted to maintain European security as the ability of states and societies to maintain their independent identity and functional integrity (this Russian draft European security treaty was originally posted on the President’s website on November 29th, 2009).

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On Record: The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal’s 2013 Indictment of the State of Israel on Charges of War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide

By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal

The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal (Tribunal) reconvened on 20 November 2013 to hear two charges against Amos Yaron (first Defendant) and the State of Israel (second Defendant). The first Defendant was charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, whilst the second Defendant was charged with the crime of genocide and war crimes.

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Mordechai Vanunu and Israel’s Plans to Wage Nuclear War on Iran: History of Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal

By Michael Carmichael

In 1986, an Israeli civil servant who worked in the state-owned nuclear industry flew to London where he was invited to meet with reporters working for The Sunday Times. In these press briefings, Mordechai Vanunu revealed Israel’s top secret – the Israelis had gained control of a growing stockpile of nuclear warheads.

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Students Are Taking the Lead in Denouncing Gaza Atrocities

By Philip Giraldi

The current unrest of pro-Palestinian “encampments” and “liberated zones” at 33 college campuses in the US protesting against what is clearly a genocide taking place in Gaza by calling for a ceasefire and a halt to institutional investment in Israel as well as a suspension of ties to Israeli government educational bodies.

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Never Forget! 1999–2024. “From Aggression to a New, Fairer World Order”. Belgrade International Conference

By Živadin Jovanović and Current Concerns

NATO armed aggression ended 25 years ago, but aggression by other means of political, economic, financial and propaganda character – continued throughout this period and since recently have been even intensified. Using UNSC’s mandate, NATO practically keeps Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija under occupation.

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NATO’s “War Mongering Tentacles” to Scandinavia

By Drago Bosnic

Russia has repeatedly expressed concerns that NATO expansion to Finland would mean that assault troops and advanced weapon systems would be deployed within the country, threatening Russia’s national security interests. As previously mentioned, Finland has not only refused to reassure its eastern neighbor, but has actually doubled down on the deployment of foreign forces, particularly American.

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Pfizer ‘Chose Not to’ Tell Regulators About SV40 Sequence in COVID Shots: Health Canada Official

By Noé Chartier and Matthew Horwood

A senior Health Canada official says pharma giant Pfizer made a conscious decision not to advise regulators that its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine contained a DNA sequence from the Simian Virus 40 (SV40).

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