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26 agosto, 2024

Jewish Scholars: No Hard Evidence of Holocaust

By Mike King

The slightest suggestion that there is neither documentary nor forensic evidence to support the Holohoax can land one in prison in over a dozen different countries. And yet, the fact remains: There is neither documentary nor forensic evidence to support the related fairy tales of "6 million" and "zee gas chambers." 

But don't take big bad Mike King's word for it. Hear from two Jewish giants of the phony academic field of "Holocaust Studies." It's not that the two con artists, Hilberg & Ryback, ever had second thoughts about promoting and profiting from Holocaustianity Inc. Of course not. No. It was circumstances forced by brave deniers of a generation ago which induced this "limited hangout" by the Holohoaxers. These dual concessions on documentation and forensics are so fundamentally powerful that they -- in and of themselves and in spite of the subsequent "yeah but" -- can be used to debunk the greatest atrocity propaganda stunt in human history. Doing this by using the words of "distinguished" Jewish "scholars" words makes the debunking particularly delightful.

People have gone to prison for making claims which Jewish "scholars" have actually confirmed!

1. Canadian German Ernst Zundel: arrested in Canada and deported to Germany for sentencing 2. David Irving: arrested in Austria.
3. 90-year-old Urusla Haverbeck: arrested in Germany.
4. Canadian-German Monika Schafer was arrested while visting Germany. The image above is from a celebratory tweet put out by the vindictive vampires of B'nai Brith of Canada.

RAUL HILBERG 1926-2007

Dubbed by sycophants as "the founding father of Holocaust Studies," his three-volume, 1,273-page magnum opus, "The Destruction of the European Jews," is regarded as essential reading for aspiring academic Holohoaxers. While under cross-examination at the much publicized 1985 trial of German-Canadian "Holocaust Denier" Ernst Zundel, Hilberg was broken and forced to admit that he was "at a loss" after being asked to provide a single scientific report proving the existence of a single "gas chamber." Hilberg also admitted that there was no documentary evidence either.


In a 2004 article appearing in the Wall Street Urinal, Timothy Ryback -- fake historian and director of the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation in the Netherlands -- also conceded that both forensic and documentary evidence are nowhere to be found.

And that is why, we irreverently refer to the big lie as "The Song That Never Ends About the Event That Never Happened." 
Thank you, Mr. Hilberg, and thank you, Mr. Ryback! For more amazing Holohoax debunks like this, read "The Song That Never Ends" (illustrated paperback or pdf formats available).

Ooops. About those "confessions" -- this story from a British newspaper (1949) : "Germans had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair" (by Jewish interrogators)

Jewish Scholars Say No Hard Evidence of Holocaust


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