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21 enero, 2025

Reverse Your Biological Age with Proven Lifestyle Hacks

Posted on: 
Tuesday, July 5th 2022 at 12:00 pm
Written By: 
Sayer Ji, Founder

My biological age isn't keeping up with my calendar age...

I will turn 50 in October. Yet I have never been fitter.

And that's not simply a statement about my physical health.

The truth is that my mind has never been sharper, my spirit more resilient, and my heart more enthusiastic about life than it is now. 

Note: one of my greatest tips for staying young is engaging 3-5 times a week in 45 minutes of high-intensity, interval training which involves exerting yourself maximally, in short but intense intervals. The rush you feel as a result, and regenerative hormonal surge is something you must experience to understand. I encourage everyone to try it! 

Adversity: the key to building true resilience....

How is it that after 4 years of virtually non-stop, deplatforming attempts and defamatory attacks by some of the most powerful people in the world, I find myself feeling stronger, freer, and more excited to be alive than ever? 

My greatest secret...

My secret is that I know who I am, and what I am here to do. And this includes knowing that happiness is, in fact, the point of life and that it is our birthright to experience love, connection, abundance, and regeneration, at each and every step. And that becoming a living embodiment of this knowledge -- in my actions, not words alone -- is the greatest gift I can give to myself, as well as to my children, my friends and loved ones, and to the many friends (like you) I have out there through Greenmedinfo.com, Stand for Health Freedom, etc. 

The #1 metric for whether you will succeed in life: how much endurance you have!

Yet, to accomplish this, it takes constant practice and discipline. And it starts with my body. If my physical temple is not functioning optimally, how can I show up healthy and fully present anywhere else in my life?

My favorite gym in Miami has a wonderful quote on the wall: "Fatigue makes cowards of us all." It's true. The sicker you are, the more obedient you will become. The more likely you are to fall prey to the medical merry-go-ground, and end up another statistic of the Diseasestablishment.

REGENERATE: 20 years of research, including all my practical knowledge, condensed into 384 pages! 

That's why I spent 3 years (and over 20 research beforehand) writing my book REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body's Radical Resilience through the New Biology.  Two years after its release, it is now an international best-seller, available in 8 languages. 

Practical and proven steps to reverse your biological age...

It's never been more important than now to take full control of your health. In REGENERATE you will learn: 

  • the fascinating new science of food as information
  • the truth about cancer and heart disease screening and what real prevention looks like
  • how to reverse the most common forms of degeneration using food-based approaches
  • how the body extracts energy from sources other than food, including water and melanin; and
  • how to make sense of conflicting dietary recommendations and out-of-date food philosophies
  • and much more! 

If you have read it or listened to the Audible version, and you would like to provide feedback as to how it helped you, please respond directly to this email, or feel free to leave an Amazon review here

If you haven't yet grabbed a copy, you can do so here now  (it's 49% off right now!) 

Lastly, I'm getting ready to announce the launch of my new project, which has been AN ENTIRE YEAR in the making. Make sure you are following me on TwitterInstagramTelegram, or Linkedin, as you'll definitely want to keep in the loop about the truly revolutionary solutions we're bringing into the world! 

Kind regards, 

Sayer Ji

Founder of GreenMedInfo.com

Co-Founder of Stand for Health Freedom

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