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02 febrero, 2016

#ZIKA Bullshit, Everything is a Farse a Scam

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Jim Stone

Zica = Bad Luck!!
Ask any Brazilian...
Everuthing is planned!!

Word from Brazil: Zika is B.S. 
EDU wrote:
Zica pandemic is bullshit.
Here in Brazil the government speaks of 1 million confirmed cases last year. Please let me know how the hell they confirmed these cases? Did they use molecular tests in all cases? Because Brazilian public health system is so crappy they cannot even confirm dengue flu, which has more strong symptoms. Molecular tests are scarce at best.
How the hell you confirm a epidemic of a disease with symptoms so mild that 80% of the infected people show no symptoms at all? Without molecular tests, it's simply bullshit, it could be anything other than zica virus.
And now WHO says there will be 3 million zica cases in the near future.
The truth is, these numbers are a blatant fabrication. 

My response: Take this Zika coverage on this web site and show it to a few Brazilian doctors who work with pregnant women, especially the coverage about the Tdap shot. A highly respected Mexican doctor already said it has to be true, so doctors there are likely to agree, and they will be in a position to do something about it. We have this in the bag because the truth is so obvious, all we have to do is inform to wake the right people up.

New ZIKA perspective: They are going to use the Tdap shot to cause serious birth defects which will be blamed on a myth, to try to fully "justify" abortion in the minds of Latin America. They will then use that as a slippery slope to fully legalized abortion. This is one direction all of this is

Here's a good one: Kerr wrote:
Ebola was the Beta test for African/Black/Negro de-population. Bird Flu (and all dozens of varieties) were Beta test for Asians, and now we have Zika for Hispanics (but also for across all humangenome types), to slow kill us by destroying the next generation.
Oh, when they grow up, they can still push buttons in a factory farm, pluck chickens, etc, but, they won't have the mental capacity to argue or talk back. With the added benefit that you can feed them dog food thru hamster feeding tube right at their work station!
Why kill off your cattle (Goyim,) when you can just turn them into perfect little sub 35 point IQ machines?
Side note, if anyone would like to truly understand the "Flint Michigan Water Crisis", rent and watch 1. James Bond movie; Quantum of Solace AND THEN WATCH Blue Gold: The Water Wars (Documentary Originally released as a motion picture in 2008. Based on the book Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World's Water by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke.)
Brazil, along with many other South American countries, have been going thru exactly the same type of privatization of their water supplies as the Water Wars documentary describes.
And now, the Brazilian Military is going door to door to "help locate errant water sources" where mosquitoes might thrive?
Bullshit, more like they are pin pointing who is saving rain water to target them later. "They" have already started that in the Western U.S., criminalizing water storage.

Rhetorical question, but:
When a few drops of any oil, (I speak specifically of oils that can be ingested) Olive, Sesame, etc will create a "sheen" over the top of a barrel/container of water that will kill any Mosquito larvae, due to how they breathe/survive (they can't break the surface tension of the oil and they die), then what is the brown powder/pebbles that I keep seeing on all the news programs that the Brazilian Military keeps dumping into these private water supplies "to help eradicate the larvae"?

Why wouldn't "The Authorities" be informing people to use household oils to protect themselves? Oh...right, silly me, guess that is why I NEED TO DIE, too much thinking going on over here!!


My comment: No, you don't "need to die," you are just a "terrorist" who can be detained and worked as a slave laborer. That is a probable destination for the current thinkerswho still remain.

Anonymous wrote:
Re: Zika, the World Health Psychopaths are now sending the conveniently/timely release of a "GMO mosquito" up the flag pole as a source vector, with the "official" explanation that this creature caused a complete mutation of a virus in the wild that caused mild-to-no symptoms to now cause brain-eating symptoms -in less than a year. They truly are counting on the apathy if not the rank stupidity of the masses. The ONLY way this "GMO mosquito" could so quickly deliver a brain-eating virus is if that mosquito was programmed from the get/go to do exactly that. Evidently they figure the blow back that selling that particular explanation would create is more tenable than having TDaP come under widespread fire, thereby causing ALL vax to be under fire. FYI, just a few years ago, a certain TDaP insert included autism as one of its many significant side effects. That inclusion was curiously removed from the insert with no explanation. TDaP has a very bad pedigree.
Stay strong, Anon

My response: Bang on.

Zika outbreak may have been from Gates mosquito, but . . 
It is true that the zika virus outbreak did indeed start where Gates was playing around with GMO mosquitos that were claimed to have been for combatting Malaria, though I doubt that is all they were supposed to do with Bill Gates wanting population reduction via vaccination, and Gates wanting mosquitos to be used as an uncontrollable method of vaccination. However . . .
It has been proven (but not officially admitted) that the zika virus outbreak is not responsible for the birth defects that are prevalent in the same area the main zika outbreak happened in. Something else is causing the birth defects because it has been proven that a large majority of the affected babies have never been exposed to zika. Zika worked as a scapegoat but something else is definitely going on with all of this, and the rush by so many to blame zika is suspicious to say the least, I believe they definitely know what is really happening and are working overtime to bury it.

We are being played 
Martin wrote:
What is going on? The mainstream media are whipping us into a hysterical frenzy over a virus that nobody had even heard of, until just a few days ago. We are told that tens of thousands have “fallen ill,” that the virus has spread to dozens of countries, that pharmaceutical houses are “rushing” to develop a vaccine, that WHO is on the verge of declaring an international emergency. Please note one glaring omission – we are not being told anything about Zika virus disease. Doesn't this strike you as strange? So I decided to visit the CDC Web site, and this is what I found:
Symptoms. About 1 in 5 people infected with Zika virus become ill (i.e., develop Zika). The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, or ...
Zika virus disease is no big deal. You'd be sicker with a common head cold.
We're being played, folks – we're being scammed.

My response: The zika virus scam is as stupid as "plastic knives and box cutters". And I always wondered why they ever pushed the "swine flu" and have always suspected they were just referring to "lesser mankind" as pigs, by fronting a pig disease as something that could infect us. Came and went, no mass vaccination needed, and obviously the same is true of Zika, Don't let them push another scam!

Zika obviously being used to install police state tactics in Brazil The Brazilian government has allowed the zika excuse to be used to justify forced entry into homes by the military. Upon arrival at the door, the military offers no option other than to allow a full inspection of the property to make sure there is nothing there mosquitos can grow in. And it is all being authorized by government officials who are preying on public ignorance about what Zika really is. This is very thin ice for them to be walking on, because even the world health organization has told the truth about Zika, and stated that it is very mild and poses no threat to anyone. Even if Zika really is in Brazil, it is not worth worrying about anyway.
Since anyone in Brazil can hit the World Health Organization web site and read this for themselves, I think it is awful foolish of the authorities to count on stupidity in the populace as the only cover for the actions they have taken.

Zika a virtual proven psyop on Brazil
BACKGROUND: Brazil does not speak Spanish, Brazil speaks Portuguese. Keep that in mind, and read this from Edu in Brazil: 

Edu wrote:
I called the virus zica on purpose, because it is slang for "bad luck" in Portuguese. I think "zika" was intended to be a pun also.

My response: I think you nailed something with this, but do not think the original name had any specific purpose. I think that whoever is running this psy op took advantage of the name, and the name meaning "bad luck" in Brazil is probably the specific reason why Brazil was chosen. A coincidental name would have a huge psychological impact and perfect deniability. This coincidence needs to be shouted from the rooftops, it is just too perfect.

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