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27 enero, 2017

#NewtGingrich Supports #Investigating #Vaccines


Newt Gingrich is one of Donald Trump’s most trusted advisors. Gingrich has been by Trump’s side since the Republican Primaries and his allegiance to Trump’s mission has never swayed.

Gingrich, who has in the past been mildly critical of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has apparently changed his tune ever since Trump appointed Kennedy to head up a Vaccine Safety Commission.

As long as the panel is “appropriately organized” and has a realistic, scientific basis, Gingrich said, “I’m very comfortable with him taking the position.”

The validation inflamed Washington elites so much that Stat News launched a war against Kennedy.

According to Autism Investigated

In a desperate attempt to try and cancel out the significance of Gingrich’s support, STAT News contacted all 23 Senators who serve on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (“HELP”) Committee. One of those Senators – Mike Enzi – even produced a sealed report back in 2007 which sought to clear certain federal agencies and private entities like the Institute of Medicine of the misconduct they committed in defending the mercury-based vaccine preservative thimerosal.

STAT News seemed to get what they wanted for their article, Senators on key panel reject Donald Trump’s skepticism about vaccines: Eighteen senators, including eight of the 12 Republicans in the committee’s majority, expressed confidence in the US vaccination system and recognized the health benefits of vaccination.

Donald Trump is turning Washington D.C. upside down and it hasn’t even been a full three days yet. Imagine how different the landscape will be after a year of this. Trump has not shown any indication that he will fold to the globalist and corporate slaves. Pharmaceutical companies are likely leading the brigade of angry corporations.

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