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21 febrero, 2016

Domingo de la Farsa #Zika / Sunday of #Zika Farse


La farsa del Zika es tan grande que el Papa ha entrado en ella, (otros dirán que es un actor más dentro de esta gran farsa) esto ya ha sucedido en otras ocasiones, con la gripe aviar, porcina, SIDA, entre otras. El objetivo, meter miedo, introducir más vacunas, una de estas la Tdap, la verdadera causante de la microcefalia, otra la despoblación. Una sociedad miedosa permite que el Establishment haga lo que se le da la gana.
Y la farsa se replica por todos los medios de comunicación masivos, de derecha, de centro, de izquierda, alternativos, todos están alarmados por este cuento chino que lo han elevado a la décima potencia. Y nuestro país, Ecuador, no se queda atrás, la CELAC ya perdió su tiempo en el Zika, el gobierno y académicos están ya planificando la compra de vacunas, como lo hicieron con la gripe y el Tamiflu (1) (2) (3) (4), que luego resultó ser una inmensa mentira y un gran negocio para las farmacéuticas. Están en reuniones permanentes para enfrentar la “pandemia”, el mismo guión de las gripes aviar y porcina.
Es lamentable leer editoriales como el de El Telégrafo (Aborto, microcefalia y Zika) donde se dice que se debe hacer caso a la purísima Organización Mundial de la Salud, sabiendo qué putrefacta es esa organización que dice defender los intereses del mundo pero vive de la caridad de las grandes farmacéuticas.(1) 
Es bochornoso ver el circo, es espeluznante ver como el ser humano se degrada cada vez más, es una payasada la que estamos viviendo con la farsa mundial del Zika.

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Jim Stone

More zika, this time door to door forced entry property inspections in America! 
YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! Zika is being passed off by a few people in high places as a perfect excuse to use "guerilla tactics" against Americans, and totally violate all property rights by bashing in doors and doing forced inspections. If idiot joe does not hide his guns well enough they will all be catalogued, and "guerilla methods" mean no warning is given, either let them in immediately, or go to jail.
And the fraud never ends. While posting articles such as "Guillian Bar syndrome is associated with zika, and leading in with a few paragraphs that seem to justify such claims, such reports have, since the beginning of the zika scam always said there is no link to zika that is proven. But if it is said half way down page 2, surface readers will miss the fact that nothing at all has linked Zika to anything.

The "Elite" are going to use Venezuela as the spring board for the Zika psy op 
Venezuela will be sent the same tainted vaccines that were sent to Brazil, and the elite will take advantage of
the political situation and launch their assault from Venezuela. This was made clear by an article on Drudge about zika in Venezuela this morning, which was a born-again rehash of the same B.S. they fronted in Brazil, handed an entire new life and vitality. It is obvious Gates and friends are going to use the political turmoil in Venezuela as cover for doing whatever vaccine experiments they want there, and to also use that turmoil to get their scapegoat - the Ades mosquito and zika - planted everywhere.
I got the details on the mosquito that is supposed to be doing it all, and was absolutely right on my first report. Here are the details:
The Ades mosquito, which supposedly ripped it's way across all of south America and Central America in only six months, is a lazy and quiet basement dweller that NEVER, and I mean EVER travels more than 100 yards in its entire life. Unlike other varieties of mosquitos which may fly up to two miles for a meal, the Ades mosquito hatches, lands in a dark place nearby, and sits for its entire life until someone gets close enough for it to lazily fly over to and bite.
This means that any biological barrier, such as a highway, river, or any other open space such as the PANAMA CANAL will stop the Ades mosquito from migrating to an area on the other side of that barrier. Even under the most ideal possible circumstances, an infected strain of Ades mosquito will not, under any circumstance, move more than a mile a year.
If infected Ades mosquitos are now turning up everywhere, it means ONE THING: That someone is doing it. Who is known to have created a GMO ades mosquito and planted it somewhere? BILL GATES, and if this zika mosquito showed up in Venezuela to wreak havoc there, BILL GATES AND FRIENDS ARE RESPONSIBLE, when biology is considered it simply cannot be any other way.
Zika would not have made it to the other side of ANY CITY in Brazil within 10 years, that is how slow the Ades mosquito migrates. It would take from the time of Christ to today for any mosquito borne Zika to totally infiltrate all of latin America if the Ades mosquito had to do it all by itself without any help. The perpetrators of the zika scam are BUSTED.
Anonymous wrote: 
Please share the Mexican doctors raw results about the temperature and the unlikely hatching of the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes if you can.
My response: Here is how they reached their conclusion: There are numerous studies on the temperature range for the Ades mosquito. These are on Pub Med and other journals doctors read. All studies have shown that the Ades mosquito does best between 25 and 35 degrees celsius. At 15 degrees celsius, reproduction and feeding stop, but the adults survive down to around 8 degrees celsius (8.3 to be exact, according to some studies) and temperatures below this cause them to die.
Since during the main zika scare practically all of central Mexico and Mexico city were seeing night time temperatures below 5 degrees celsius and day time temperatures below 15 degrees celsius for weeks on end, including during the time the Ades mosquitos showed up, the doctors knew there was no way the mosquitos arrived naturally, and the doctor I interviewed said specifically that "they were being released, because it is impossible" and that "it was being done for political purposes". You do not need a massive study to figure out something is going on when it is that obvious - huge outbreaks of adult mosquitos lasting ONE DAY, with near total mortality overnight and next to nothing the next day, and absolutely nothing the day after.
Perhaps most people, including the frequently idiotic New World Order scammers do not know that Mexico City is a freakishly cold hell hole that I would never want to live in because it is so cold. It is at 9,000 feet elevation and even in the summer day time temperatures usually peak in the 80´s (or less) with six full months of the year almost never seeing over 70 degrees. That is simply not Ades mosquito turf, WRONG ENVIRONMENT, yeah, it almost never freezes there but it sure likes to hover at late late autumn in Iowa temperatures a lot. Doctors are not stupid, there will NEVER be an outbreak of Ades mosquitos in Mexico City unless someone imports them and releases them at the peak of summer. Naturally they would never be there, EVER.
Additionally, most of the spine of Mexico is very high elevation. It is a big mountain range. It is all very cool. Even here, where it is much warmer than Mexico City, we never saw day time temperatures go over 15 degrees celsius for a month and a half, with night time lows consistently between 3 degrees and 10 degrees celsius. Yet we got a huge ades outbreak here, right in the middle of the cold, and they arrived on helicopters I saw myself.
The doctors knew it was impossible just by looking at the thermometer. They did not need to do a huge study when it was that obvious and they were living right in the middle of it, and it was a very prominent topic with them, they knew it was bullshit. Even the cold resistant mosquitos in this area vanish from November through February, there is nothing here during that time AT ALL. How does a cold hating mosquito suddenly have a huge outbreak during the peak of the cold season in a climate that is too cold for them to live in at all? An ades outbreak would be perfectly believable in Acapulco or the Yucatan, but certainly not here! But they have to do it in the mountains to scare anyone, because that is where most people live.
Troll wrote: 
"Our results suggest that a blood meal imposes a heavy burden on a mosquito in terms of its dispersal ability. Non-engorged mosquitoes often fly far greater distances. Provost (1957) noted that Aedes taeniorhynchus are capable of flying over 24 miles. Anopheles gambiae and An. atroparvus were found to fly as far as 10 km (Kauffman and Briegel 2004). Because we lack data on the flight distances of blood-seeking mosquitoes, we are unable to make a direct comparison between engorged and non-engorged mosquitoes in our study."
My response: Obviously your point here is that I am full of dung when I say the Aedes Aegypti mosquito only flies at most 100 yards in its entire life which proves the Zika outbreak is impossible. This is clearly shown by the fact that somehow you dredged up the two farthest flying Aedes mosquitos in the world, and sent them to me while the topic was a lethargic lazy basement dweller. Most likely you are posting your horse crap to forums and comment sections, knowing you will fool a few people into believing Zika really could have spread that fast. Why would you do that? I KNOW WHY.
Because you hate all of mankind other than your own little tribe that is attempting to take top place by destroying everyone else, rather than by improving yourselves. After all, it is a lot easier to just shoot people and take their wallets than work a job. And you are no better than the common street thug that does exactly that, in fact you are worse, because street thugs practically never target babies and that is ALL YOU DO. How much worse could it get than fooling mothers into getting your shots, so you can destroy their babies, walk away from the crime scene calling yourself superior because you got away with it, and ruin everyone's future but your own?
Your misleading message proves that is precisely your goal. Your message proves that you use ignorance and deception to get ahead. Your message proves that you are a chemically violent child abuser of the lowest possible order, who slips in during the night, attacking babies where they sleep. You are a coward who cannot do it honestly and simply destroy the babies in front of the parents, because you might get hurt doing it that way.
I know you did not make a mistake, because you knew about the medical journals that document all mosquitos, just like I do, found the worst ones from the same sources that contain the real truth, and fronted them as that truth while hoping I would miss the details. I don't know if your optimism with regard to fooling me is the result of tribal in breeding for millenia, or a common core education. But if you think you can front your horse piles with me, you are sorely mistaken.
Here it is, every point about Ades Aegypti (the zika mosquito) I have ever made in one place:
"Aedes aegypti, unlike Ae. albopictus is not able to undergo winter diapause as eggs,(my insert, - which keeps them out of high mountain places like Mexico City that are cold in the winter unless someone drops them there, and then they die) and this therefore limits their ability to exploit more northerly temperate regions (although some survival is possible during the summer following an importation). However it may establish in regions of Europe showing a humid subtropical climate (parts of Mediterranean and Black Sea countries) such as the Sochi region where it has become established again since 2001 (Black Seas coast).
Species competition has also been shown to affect distribution and abundance. A decrease in the distribution of Ae. aegypti has been associated with the invasion of Ae. albopictus, especially in south-eastern USA [5]. They also have limited dispersal capability as adults [5] with a flight range estimate of only 200m [20].
So dear vaccine troll, this is what is going to happen if you stuff my box with your B.S. while censoring all legitimate mails.

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